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Thought so!
John told me it was pronounced "Pooka", too, but I wanted to make sure, coz I thought the Pooka was an Irish, rather than Welsh, legend. But it's all Celtic in the end, I suppose.I dunno if Dre might be looking for a dog, but he'd have to fill out the adoption questionaire from the IMPS website if he was interested. Then he'd have to agree to a "home visit" from one of our volunteers in Brooklyn. We screen each prospective minpin home more carefully than Child Protective Services does for kids. :)Anyway, I have my suspicions as to whether this little Pwcca was actually abandoned, or perhaps lost first. Staten Island Center for Animal Care & Control has a listing for a minpin lost on 11/1/00 who seems to fit this little Pwcca's description. I'm trying to get in touch right now with the person who posted the listing, to make sure, before I put Pwcca up for adoption. (We may even wind up adopting him, ourselves.)-- Nanaea
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