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I've liked this name for a long time as a first name. WDYT?
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It's nice, I really like it.
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I love itbut I could never personally use it (as a fn at least) because the religious conotations are so strong. My cousin and his wife were thinking of this for their little boy Lachlan which I was over the moon about at the time.
I also think it would sound great with an Irish name and it would sound nice with your daughter's names. Shea, Caoimhe and Gabriel have a good flow when you say them together :)Can I throw in the suggestion of Gabriel Seamus? It has been on my list of "love-but-could-never-use" for ages. Do you like it?
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I absolutely LOVE it. Do you think Shea Eleni and Gabriel Seamus are too much though? What other Irish names would you use as a mn?
Gabriel Oisin?
Gabriel Declan?
Gabriel Fionn?
Gabriel Pearce?
Gabriel Malachi?
Gabriel Cadoc? (Welsh)
Gabriel Eamonn?
Any other suggestions?PS, I'm so glad to hear you think it makes a nice sibset! Do you think it's too Non-irish with Shea and Caoimhe though? I know it's silly, but I wouldn't want a potential son to grow up thinking, "Why am I the ONLY one in the family to not have a traditional Irish name?"

This message was edited 2/27/2007, 12:30 AM

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I don't think Gabriel Seamus and Shea Eleni are too much. How often do you list the kids with their mns? And even then, Caoimhe would be in between.
I love Gabriel Declan, Gabriel Fionn and Gabriel Eamonn. I thought Gabriel Seamus would fit mainly because I remember you saying you wanted a form of James in a potential son's name. I don't know if I remembered that correctly?I don't think it is not Irish enough, but maybe add an Irish mn? I know that with me and my siblings, my brother Michael and I both have Irish names that are our baptism names and the names our family calls us and then Eimear and Niamh obviously were Irish names and Anthony always felt left out that he had nothing. So now at the age of 7, Anthony has decided to 'change' his name to Anthony Fionnbharr (his current favourite name- he has an obsession with the myth of Fionn MacCool :p). Because Gabriel is so Catholic (which in my mind translates to Irish, just like Mary, Catherine and Danny are 'Irish' in my mind :p), paired with an Irish name it will fit in brilliantly.Other suggestions:
Gabriel Sean
Gabriel Ruairi
Gabriel Aonghus
Gabriel Cian

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This message was edited 2/27/2007, 3:54 AM

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Yes, true about James, but that is mostly for my husbands sake so I'm dreaming a little by considering other names...but you never know!
I agree with the catholic = irish especially in my moms generation. And I also agreed that using a traditional Irish mn would complete the idea.Gabriel Sean is lovely (Sean is my husbands name)
Gabriel Cian is great.
Gabriel Bran is a name Dh would love as he has a crazy fasination with Ravens
Gabriel Torin - very cool - also loving this lately =)
Gabriel Tadhg - LOVE this.Thanks!
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I love it too! My only problem is that in the U.S., it's far to popular (although I've only personally met one). Therefore, I'd rather use it as a middle name. My favorite male combo just happens to be Burton Gabriel. Gabriel is a very strong, masculine name. :)
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LOVE IT. Gabriel is my number 1 boys name at the moment :)
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I quite like it but it's getting/gotten way too popular lately. :(I find it odd that people dislike names like Galen because of the "gay" sound, but Gabriel doesn't bother them (neither one bothers me, btw).
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Funny you should say thatabout Galen and Gabriel. I know you're right about the "gay-" sound, which distresses me. (I like the name Gaylord too, but there's not a snowball's chance in hell of that ever being accepted in the mainstream - oh well *sigh*). But I really like both names, despite that Gabriel seems to be getting more attention lately. I like Galen for the medical connection. I think it's loads more appealing than Hippocrates! *LOL* I used the name Galen for a doctor character in a piece of alternate-history fiction. It just really caught my attention that you mention Galen because of that medical connection. =D
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Popular eh? rats. So far it isn't where I live (as a fn), but it probably will be soon.I'd say names like Galen cause problems for some, because the syllables are broken down like GAY-len. where as Gabriel is broken down like GABE-riel. Interesting though.
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I love it! It's definitely high up on the name list for this baby. I just think that it's a very masculine yet artistic name that ages well.
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River and Gabriel would be great! Five years apart - River should be a good little helper!
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I love it. I may use it as a middle name in the future.
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I really like it. I probably wouldn't use it as a fn as I don't like the nn Gabe, but I would definitely use it as a mn.
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Gabriel is one of those names I only recently began to love but none the less it is a nice, strong sounding name.
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I like it too. Very nice masculine quality to it.
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I really like it as a fn, I just don't think I would ever use it. I would use it as a mn, however.
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lol, this is my all-time favorite male name! I've loved it for a really long time now and if I ever have a son, this will be his name (I'll fight for it if the future husband isn't into it lol!).I think it's strong and artistic and, even though I'm not really very Christian, I do like the angel association. Not to mention it's just a pleasant name to say - very sing-song in a way.
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Haven't seen you in ages it seems!
How are you?
I've been trying to find an Irish male name to match my sibset Shea and Caoimhe, but am just not LOVING anything. But I do love Gabriel. Hm. Maybe I should go with it (if I get the chance one day).
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lol, BUSY. It's insane, really. I actually ran away to the Bahamas quite spontaneously last November and I'm thinking of doing it again. Although then it wouldn't be spontaneous. And I'm thinking Egypt instead of the Bahamas.Anyhoo, this sedentary lifestyle of all work and no play is bringing me down man. Hence my absence from here - no free time! I actually shouldn't be here now... I'm supposed to be writing an essay on reality vs. appearance in Shakespeares Hamlet (boooooring!). But... meh! BtN it is!
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Agreed!I hate you.
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I agree with your whole first statement...then I married a man who's mom's name is Gabrielle and I am REALLY against naming kids after people and so I had to remove it from my list! :(
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far too popular check the popularity charts:'s not really my style either, despite popularity. But I've heard worse.
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sorry I wasn't implying you live in the US, and if you scroll down the page you'll see it's becoming popular in various countries around the globe, and I know three Gabriels, though I live in the UK
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Thanks, but I don't live in the United States, never have.
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I don't like Gabriel, but I love the female versions Gabrielle, Gabriella and Gabriela
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I say the girls names with the gabe soundI haven't heard them pronounced with the GAB sound very much before, maybe once or twice.
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Lol. I'm the opposite! Don't like the GAB sound, but love the GABE sound.
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For me it has nothing to do with the GAB or GABE sound, I like both
But I just don't like Gabriel, thats all
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