Re: Ciara / Kiera ...
in reply to a message by Schuyler
There is the singer Ciara so that would probably influence the prn. Most would say the C like an S. And I know you don't like Keira, because of the I before E rule, but really the I is prn like a Y as in KEYR-ah. Like a Key sound almost. I'm afraid Kyra would get KY-rah because most people would associate it with Tyra, as in Tyra Banks. My best friend has a niece named Kiara (KEY-air-ah) and to me Kiera looks like that name. The only Kira I have actually met spelled it Kira. So I'm afraid you would constantly be correcting people on prn if you went with any of the spellings you like. You may have to decide which is more important to you: the spelling or the prn?? But out of your choices the one that I would prn KEER-ah is Keira ( I know, you one you don't like!:( ) I hope some of my rambling helps!!!