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Thoughts on Coltrane? I heard it on tv. I like it, with the nn Cole.
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Maybe as a mn, if it has some special significance. Otherwise, it sounds a little too similar to "Soul Train" to me. :b
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I'm not entirely sure I like Coltrane. I do like the nn Cole or even Colt though.
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Sorry :) its nms
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Sheriff Roscoe P. Coltrane from Dukes of Hazzard
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ROTFLOLYeah, that was my first thought, too. :o) And I hear it ONLY with a Southern drawl, lol.
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Like John Coltrane?Awesome artist, but I'm not sure about the name for a child. It's alright.
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As is Robby Coltrane? It's okay, althoguh I like Cole/Colt/Colton better.
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I think it's really weird. All I can think of is the musician, and if it's not for him I think that would be a highly annoying issue.Cole is fine on it's own, and I definitely prefer it to Coltrane.I agree with the other person that it sounds like a train carrying coal.
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Only if you can hum something John composed (I'm partial to "Naima"), and even then, I'd rather see it as a middle name. In that case, it could be really cool.Since the name would be seen as a tribute by pretty much anyone who knows anything about music, it would seem incredibly phony to me if you didn't feel any connection to John Coltrane or even jazz music in general.Array

This message was edited 1/17/2007, 3:53 PM

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This name was on Mr. Hollands Opus as the name of the deaf son. I thought it was cute when I heard it at the time, but the more I think of it the more it just sounds like a train that carries coal. I actually liked it before I realized that though.
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I was about to mention Mr. Holland's Opus. I agree, I loved it in the movie, but I'm not sure about it in real life.
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Yes, that's where I heard the name.
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