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How do you prn that? Do you like it?
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mih-door-ee. I do really like it, however people will constantly point out the liquor.
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I say mee-door-ee
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The correct pronunciation is Mee-Doh-ree. It's an alright name, not one of my favourites, but not bad either.
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Like the others said, the first thing that comes to mind is the liquor and it just seems to me like a low class name at that point. I would prn it like the alcohol is prn mi-DOOR-ee.
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I don't like the names of alcoholic beverages for children - Tequila, Brandy, Champagne, Midori, Margarita... They don't strike me as having much class.
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Mi-door-ee : I don't like it. The first thing that comes to mind is the liquor.
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Either Mi-door-ee (the i like 'in') or Me-Door-ee

This message was edited 1/13/2007, 5:22 AM

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It means "green" in Japanese, right?
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I'm not sure.Mid-door-ree
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I'm not sure.Mid-door-ree
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