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Hi all!Do you think the name Herbert has any charm at all?
I am adoring it right now and love both nn Herb and Bertie, but i think it may not be that popular in the real world, i think it would get negative reactions.
I am not sure i could see myself calling for Herbert, just 'Herb, come here now!' if you see what i mean.
But i think this might be a serious contender as dh and i agree on little else.Could Herb stand on its own? I think it might be nice?Honest opinions appreciated - as ever.also is Mary too boring to use as a first name now.I cant wait to tell my eldest dd Iris i am pregnant so i can see which names she suggests! I think it might be Jane though - everything gets called jane at the moment!anyway - sorry about the ramblelove Clara
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Aw, Herbert is darling. And I love the nn Bertie! I'm not that sold on Herbie, but I suppose it would be cute for a kid. I can't see it on an adult the same way that I see Bertie. Mary is definitely ripe for a comeback. Iris and Mary would be a heavenly duo. I know a woman who named her nn Mary Eliza, which I find bright and breezy as combinations go. Congratulations, good luck and be sure to keep us updated on your search for the perfect name!
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I love Herb, Herbert is ok, but I'm not a huge fan of it.I think Herb could definatly stand on it's own. Iris and Herb would be a cute How old is Iris, and when do you plan telling her?
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Neither Herbert nor Herb appeals to me at all. I can definitely see the name inspiring negative reactions from people who heard it. It's very dated. However, if you're going to use the name (and it is your baby), I would suggest using Herbert instead of Herb by itself.
Mary is adorable on a little girl. It has a simple purity and sweetness to it. It's not used as much as it used to be. Jane is also cute - one of my favorites.
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Herbert/Herb all make me think of Herbie the Love Bug. And Herb reminds me of this man who yelled at me one time because I said his name like herb (ERB-no H sound) and he got all huffy. It's HERB. HURRR-BB. And stormed out of the store.Mary is ok. I grew up with a girl named Mary, so it seems pretty normal to me. It's true you don't see it a lot, but it is kind of bland all the same. There are just too many truly interesting names out there for me to get too excited over something as plain as Mary.
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I wont have the pronunciation problem as i am in the UK and everyone pronounces the H in Herb.
The car doesnt worry me too much as i have only seen about half of one of th efilms when i was a kid so its not an association i immediatley Clara
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I don't really like Herbert. I can't get past the Herb sound. I prn the word "herb" like "erb," but as a name, I know it gets the H at the beginning, and I just have a hard time with it.I really like Mary or Jane, and Iris has a great name. :)
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I really like Mary! I think that since it has been overused in the past, people are terrified of using in anymore, so it's really become rare again. I know that whenever I hear of a Mary, it really grabs my attention. Herbert I'm not so fond of, but I go by the principle that if you like a name, use it without fear, and I like a lot of names other people hate, so just do whatever you want!
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I am not a fan of Herbert, but Herb is better. I think that Herb could stand on it own. I know a man just named Herb. I really like Mary! I don't think it is to boring. It is alot better than Marie. You could do some other version of Mary likes Maria, Rosemary, or Mora.
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