New BA's [Brandon on girl, and more]
Cotton Kerosene -
Egan Sage
Jordan August
Raef Talon
Ragen Todd
River Michael
Rome Richard
Vincent Oak
Brandon Amanda
Emery Leigh
Germanie Queenaiva
Liberty Ann
Liberty Mae
Liberty Rainbow Grace
Mercy Isabelle
Oceana Pahulja
Savanna Dane
I love: Sage August Talon Todd River Michael Rome Vincent Emery Lee on boys. Sage Jordan August River Anne May Liberty Rainbow Grace Mercy Oceana Savannah on girls.
"a boy's best friend is his mother" - Norman Bates in Psycho
Cotton Kerosene -
Egan Sage
Jordan August
Raef Talon
Ragen Todd
River Michael
Rome Richard
Vincent Oak
Brandon Amanda
Emery Leigh
Germanie Queenaiva
Liberty Ann
Liberty Mae
Liberty Rainbow Grace
Mercy Isabelle
Oceana Pahulja
Savanna Dane
I love: Sage August Talon Todd River Michael Rome Vincent Emery Lee on boys. Sage Jordan August River Anne May Liberty Rainbow Grace Mercy Oceana Savannah on girls.
Cotton Kerosene - Sounds like something you light on fire, NOT a child's name. :-/
Egan Sage - Not horrible but still nms.
Jordan August - I dislike Jordan but I love August.
Raef Talon - I like Rafe as a nn for Raphael/Rafael, but the Raef spelling is awkward imo
Ragen Todd - I guess this is supposed to be an alternate spelling of Reagan but looking at it, it makes me think 'Why is Todd ragin'?'
River Michael - River is nice. Michael is the most boring name in the world to me, though.
Rome Richard
Vincent Oak - I love Vincent. Oak seems a bit odd, but maybe it's a family surname. :b
Brandon Amanda - Now we're naming girls Brandon?! I've always said when I saw a girl named Jacob it would be a sign of the Apocalypse, and this is pretty damn close! :-/
Emery Leigh - I like Emory for a boy
Germanie Queenaiva - no comment
Liberty Ann, Liberty Mae, Liberty Rainbow Grace - WAY too many children named Liberty! It's become a bit tacky to me, even though I used to like it.
Mercy Isabelle - Quite nice
Oceana Pahulja - Fn is ok. Not sure how to pronounce the mn. Maybe it's Indian? (India-Indian, not Native American)
Savanna Dane - Not crazy about Savannah but definitely prefer it with the 'h', and Dane is all male to me.

Cotton Kerosene - Sounds like something you light on fire, NOT a child's name. :-/
Egan Sage - Not horrible but still nms.
Jordan August - I dislike Jordan but I love August.
Raef Talon - I like Rafe as a nn for Raphael/Rafael, but the Raef spelling is awkward imo
Ragen Todd - I guess this is supposed to be an alternate spelling of Reagan but looking at it, it makes me think 'Why is Todd ragin'?'
River Michael - River is nice. Michael is the most boring name in the world to me, though.
Rome Richard
Vincent Oak - I love Vincent. Oak seems a bit odd, but maybe it's a family surname. :b
Brandon Amanda - Now we're naming girls Brandon?! I've always said when I saw a girl named Jacob it would be a sign of the Apocalypse, and this is pretty damn close! :-/
Emery Leigh - I like Emory for a boy
Germanie Queenaiva - no comment
Liberty Ann, Liberty Mae, Liberty Rainbow Grace - WAY too many children named Liberty! It's become a bit tacky to me, even though I used to like it.
Mercy Isabelle - Quite nice
Oceana Pahulja - Fn is ok. Not sure how to pronounce the mn. Maybe it's Indian? (India-Indian, not Native American)
Savanna Dane - Not crazy about Savannah but definitely prefer it with the 'h', and Dane is all male to me.

I like River and Rome for boys. How could someone name their child Cotton Kerosene?!
From the girls list I like Emery,Liberty, and Brandon. Don't know if I could use Brandon on a girl, but I like it.
I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth.
Psalm 121:1-2
From the girls list I like Emery,Liberty, and Brandon. Don't know if I could use Brandon on a girl, but I like it.
I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth.
Psalm 121:1-2