I've recently come to adore the spunky little name Roxanne nn Roxy, but I'm having trouble deciding on a middle name that sounds cosy with it. So far, I've come up with:
Roxanne Cecilia
Roxanne Elise
Roxanne Hazel
Roxanne Violet
Roxanne Eleanor / Roxanne Elinor
What do you think of those combos? Any other suggestions would be much appreciated!

Life before four Oscars and twelve Oscar nominations...
Roxanne Cecilia
Roxanne Elise
Roxanne Hazel
Roxanne Violet
Roxanne Eleanor / Roxanne Elinor
What do you think of those combos? Any other suggestions would be much appreciated!

Life before four Oscars and twelve Oscar nominations...
My dog's name is Roxanne Téa nn Roxy.
Thanks for the suggestions! I'm still crazy about Roxanne Elise, but I'm now considering Roxanne Mireille (thanks to a suggestions here). I appreciate all the suggestions and will keep them in mind in case I change my mind. :)

Life before four Oscars and twelve Oscar nominations...

Life before four Oscars and twelve Oscar nominations...
oooh I love Roxanne nn Roxy!!! :D
I like Cecilia and Eleanor as mns
(i also like mns:

I like Cecilia and Eleanor as mns
(i also like mns:

I love the combo Roxanne Elise! I think Roxanne and Elise are beautiful names and they sound great together.
Doodely =)
Doodely =)
I wouldn't use it on my own child (simply because I've known a few Roxannes and I tend to associate it with them), but I love Roxy! It's so cute and unique. Of your combos I think I like Roxanne Hazel best. I might suggest Roxanne Lola or Roxanne Mireille, or any "soft-sounding" middle name to balance out the x sound in Roxanne.
Roxanne Cecilia.
Roxanne Sophia
Roxanne Natalia
Roxanne Mariah
Roxanne Olivia
Roxanne Adela
Roxanne Carmel
Roxanne Helena
Roxanne Esme
Roxanne Arlette
Roxanne Celeste
Roxanne Colette
Roxanne Aaliyah
Roxanne Carina
Roxanne Elena
Roxanne Emilia
Roxanne Cadence
Roxanne Melody
Roxanne Ashleigh
Roxanne Mathilde
Roxanne Noelle
Roxanne June
Roxanne Melissa
Roxanne Asia
Roxanne Meredith
Roxanne Eloise
Roxanne Arabella
Roxanne Charmaine
Roxanne Alyssa
Roxanne May
Roxanne Sophia
Roxanne Natalia
Roxanne Mariah
Roxanne Olivia
Roxanne Adela
Roxanne Carmel
Roxanne Helena
Roxanne Esme
Roxanne Arlette
Roxanne Celeste
Roxanne Colette
Roxanne Aaliyah
Roxanne Carina
Roxanne Elena
Roxanne Emilia
Roxanne Cadence
Roxanne Melody
Roxanne Ashleigh
Roxanne Mathilde
Roxanne Noelle
Roxanne June
Roxanne Melissa
Roxanne Asia
Roxanne Meredith
Roxanne Eloise
Roxanne Arabella
Roxanne Charmaine
Roxanne Alyssa
Roxanne May