What do you think of the name Autumn?
I love Autumn for a girl.
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I like it - it is very beautiful. However, I wouldn't use it because it doesn't fit with the other names I like. A middle name maybe though.
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I don't care for the sound of it - it seems kind of glum and cold sounding to me. Oddum, or Awtum. Ho hum. But I like the concept for a name, and it's not unpleasant overall, has a nice imagery to it. I'd rate it a 6.5 out of 10 - below Summer and Amber, above Cedar and Winter.
- mirfak

- mirfak

This message was edited 11/9/2006, 9:01 PM
I don't like it very much, the only season name that I like is Winter (and that only as a mn). I also don't like the -mn ending, that always looked confusing to me.
i love the name Autumn
"a boy's best friend is his mother" - Norman Bates in Psycho
I really like Autumn. I also like a lot of month names, and my favorites tend to be in the fall! I like September and November. (And June and May but they aren't in fall!)
Julia Keelan
"I don't mean to be rude-" he began in a tone that threatened rudeness in every syllable.
"-yet, sadly, accidental rudeness occurs alarmingly often."
~ From Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince by J.K. Rowling. Vernon Dursley to Albus Dumbledore.
"I don't mean to be rude-" he began in a tone that threatened rudeness in every syllable.
"-yet, sadly, accidental rudeness occurs alarmingly often."
~ From Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince by J.K. Rowling. Vernon Dursley to Albus Dumbledore.
I LOVE Autumn! It's definately in my top 5.

Loving the names Alexa Noelle and Owen Seth
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Loving the names Alexa Noelle and Owen Seth
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Dislike it, sorry. I don't like most word names, and the seasons are not exempt. Also, Autumn and Summer seem very 80s trendy to me. I feel they're past their moment.

I think it's very pretty.