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WDYTO Micaiah for a girl? Micaiah Juliet?
(Pronunciation is mye-KAY-uh)
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Micaiah is one of my favourite names. Love Micaiah Juliet.
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Micaiah (prn. mee-ka-ya) Juliet is nice, but Micaiah is more masculine to me.
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I personally wouldn't use Micaiah because it's just nms but I think that it goes well with Juliet. Nice combo. :)
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Micaiah is lovely for either sex, and Micaiah Juliet is a very pretty combo. :)Shannon

This message was edited 9/18/2004, 9:28 AM

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Mmm it's too close to Makayla for my taste, and despite sounding like a girl's name, I've always thought of it as masculine. Love Juliet though.
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It's very nice. :)
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