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Trajan WDYT?
Lately I've been digging Latin names for boys. I especially like the name Trajan. Like most Latin names, I feel that it manages to be powerful and intellectual at the same time. WDYT? I also love Marcellus. I asked for opinions on it a few days ago, but feel free to comment on it again!
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I've actually seen Trajan turn up as a boys' name in the USA several times in recent years. As a two-syllable name ending in -n and have the "long A" diphthong in the first syllable, it fits right in with many other fashionable boys' names right now. I do think it would make a lot of people think "Trojan", but of course the association with condoms may be a purely American thing. Are Trojan brand condoms sold outside of North America?
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I've never seen them turn up in the Netherlands, I only found out about them through people's reactions on the name Trajan on this site. Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
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Yep, condoms are definitely what most Australians would think of when hearing 'Trojan'
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I prefer Traian, but Trajan is nice too. I don't care much for MarcellusPhotobucket - Video and Image Hosting
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Okay, so let me just say this before I read what everyone else put. I admit, I like this name too. However, Trojan has become SUCH a success (hehe) that I can think of nothing more than condoms. Perhaps you could change it up a bit, try Traejan or Traijan - it may not look as pretty to the naked eye (no pun intended), but at least it doesn't forver carry itself with the nationwide affiliation,
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I agree wuth everyone else, Trajan makes me think condoms. Marcellus isn't my style, but it's nice. love peace and chicken grease
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I don't particular like Trajan. The non-Classically inclined might just think it's a misspelling of Trojan. I really like Marcellus, however. I also love Marcella for a girl!
.Catherine Ann Genevieve.
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I love so many Roman boys names, but they come off as a bit snooty or posh when I imagine them on a real person. Like Tarquin, for example. Anyhow, Trajan has a nice enough sound, but I immediately see Trojan, and then I think of condoms. Marcellus is terrific. I love it, and Marcel.
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Trajan while I like the look, it reminds me of Trojan, which isn't exactly a nice thought. sorry.Marcellus reminds me of the guy that was on Big Brother, I wasn't fond of him much. I think i's a nice name though.
Future Mommy to: River, Fox, Charlotte , Bindi
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