Trajan WDYT?
I've actually seen Trajan turn up as a boys' name in the USA several times in recent years. As a two-syllable name ending in -n and have the "long A" diphthong in the first syllable, it fits right in with many other fashionable boys' names right now.
I do think it would make a lot of people think "Trojan", but of course the association with condoms may be a purely American thing. Are Trojan brand condoms sold outside of North America?
I do think it would make a lot of people think "Trojan", but of course the association with condoms may be a purely American thing. Are Trojan brand condoms sold outside of North America?
I've never seen them turn up in the Netherlands, I only found out about them through people's reactions on the name Trajan on this site.
Yep, condoms are definitely what most Australians would think of when hearing 'Trojan'
Okay, so let me just say this before I read what everyone else put. I admit, I like this name too. However, Trojan has become SUCH a success (hehe) that I can think of nothing more than condoms. Perhaps you could change it up a bit, try Traejan or Traijan - it may not look as pretty to the naked eye (no pun intended), but at least it doesn't forver carry itself with the nationwide affiliation,