in reply to a message by Siri
I didn't say Diana was an eng. name. How is it supposed to be pron. in a Greek way? I was mostly saying how most people say Diane, which is a totally diff. name. Maybe they both came from the same name but they're both said/sp. differently. I think MOST people (in America anyways)should say my name right, esp. because of how well known Princess Diana was.
You were complaining about how names were pro.
And said it didn't make sense. You compared to pro. of Diana to Kiana, and also the pro. of Alicia. I then explained that they are not English names, but used in England.
I have enough problems with my own name, which is Haven. Its a common word, but everyone pronunces it differently. Its because America has become an illiterate country.
And said it didn't make sense. You compared to pro. of Diana to Kiana, and also the pro. of Alicia. I then explained that they are not English names, but used in England.
I have enough problems with my own name, which is Haven. Its a common word, but everyone pronunces it differently. Its because America has become an illiterate country.
Used in England and/or English speaking countries.