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Re: birth announcements..........
Tacey Camberlyn- FN is diff., MN i dont really like
Triniti Brookenlyn- too many I's in FN, MN is weird
Dharma Triniti- weird combo
Loralei Laver- dislike MN
Nellie Jane- cute, simple
Ireland Ryan- ick
Jrew Danielle- ewww, I'm guessing that's supposed to be Drew? Which to me is all boy anyways
Presley Nicole- hmm Elvis Presley? ugly, Nicole is fine though
Cali Jean- ok
Sierra Jade- like FN, MN ok
Liberty Kae- ew to FN, MN... not sure, prefer Kay
Bella Marie- cute, simple
Lilly Brynn- ditto
Daisy Adilen- don't like Daisy as a name, I guess the MN is (add-uh-lin), ok sounding but ugly looking
Bailey Marie- flows well
Brightley Hope- uhhh... Brightley, you are brightley shining with hope... EW
Riley Amelia- ok... prefer Rylie/Ryleigh on a girl
Kaydynce Jennifer- FN is stupid looking, I like Cadence, sounds ok together
Hazel Lorraine- sounds ok together, don't kno if I like Hazel though
Braylie Michelle- don't think I like the Bray sound, cute combo though
Kaia Adelyn- not sure how to pron. FN, MN ok
Piper Olivia- hate Piper, Olivia is cute
Tatum Elizabeth- hate Tatum, Elizabeth is common
Cheyenne Raine- like FN, dislike MN
Amaya Raegene- ok... I think... dislike look of MN though
Yasmine Elise- cute together
Madasin Marlene- rather it be Madison
Peyton Ila -this is a friend of mine baby- FN is ok, don't think I like the MN
mcKenna Hope- ok
Gabriela Jazlin- these two don't sound right together, prefer Jazlin sp. Jazlyn/Jazlynn
Taylor Clare- ok
Baylee Elsie- dislike the "ee" ending sound on both names together
Jenika Lee- diff., dislike Lee prefer it Leigh on a girl
Paris Nacoel- ew bc of Paris Hilton and even more EW on the MN, that is just plain stupid looking
Annika Elias- like FN, MN is nmsBoys:Rikkard Francis- don't know if the FN is (rye-card) or an ugly form of Richard
Caleb Charles- cute
Blake Kolton- don't like the sound of these two together
Katcher Blue- stupid
Canyon Woods- ditto
Tallon Christopher- weird FN
Conlan Kian- dislike that both have the "an" ending, weird FN
Kingston Michael- FN is also a surname, ok I guess....
Taft Golden- reminds me of Taffy, both are stupid
Daylyn Jason- unsure if this is (day-lin) or an ugly sp. of Dylan
Maddox Cole- ok
Kayleb Jakob- much prefer Caleb Jacob
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