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What do you think? Totally redneck or workable?I really like the sound of it, myself, and I'd love to get some input. My inclination would be to call her Lainey rather than Charli (because I dislike Charlie in general and detest it immensely on a girl), if she had a nickname--though I have to admit that I might not be able to resist Chaz as a nickname. :D But I like Charlaine nn-less, too.Array

"It's not the cough that carries you off, it's the coffin they carry you off in."A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having.
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AhemI had it on my list alongside Charmaine and Charlida. Yes, they sound ...uh rustic? LOL I see how Charlaine seems that way, mainly because it sounds like Charlene with an affected drawl, as well as being an invention.But workable - yeah, definitely. Charlaine more than others, perhaps because of the Lainie nick. At least as workable as Charmaine. I could see it fitting into your style, or on a person I picture as suited to your style.
- mirfak
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I'm not personally worried about whether it sounds countrified, myself. You know me--I've got that thing for hick names. But I suspected that'd what quite a few people might think about it, and I was hoping to head off the "it's a hillbilly name" comments. ;)I mainly associate the name with the mystery writer Charlaine Harris, who has created the only book series about vampires that I'll read. She's quite southern, so I definitely hear some of that in the name. But I really think it has potential--I'm quite liking it lately.I'm also like Dian (as in Fossey, natch), but I suspect the lack of E on the end would be irritating to deal with. :(Array

"It's not the cough that carries you off, it's the coffin they carry you off in."A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having.
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Charlaine is nms, but I adore Lorraine. Lainey and Laine are nice as well.
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Chaz reminds me of cheesy, which is a term I really dislike (in any of its definitions). Charlaine does seem a little redneck, but if you would end up calling her a nn all the time anyway I dont think it would matter.
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I don't care for it although I didn't think redneck until you mentioned it. My dislike is mainly based on the fact I don't care for Char names like Charlotte, Charlene, Charmaine, etc. I prefer Lainey to Charli in the nn department as well although neither knock my socks off. Chaz seems a bit contrived.
“It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt.”
~Mark Twain
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In high school I read a book by a CNN comentator (I think) named Charlayne Hunter Gault. i'm not that crazy about the name, I like Charlene better. (It's my mother-in-law's name.) It does sound redneck to me, and I bet a lot of people will assume it's Charlene anyway.
It beats Charlotte though.
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