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Re: Apollinaire, Savio & Vesuvius
If I was a falconer and had a bird to name, I would call it Apollinaire. It's always seemed like the perfect name for a hawk or a falcon--so elegant but dangerous at the same time. I haven't the faintest idea why I associate it with birds of prey, but I do--and I really like it. I also love Apollonia for a girl; I admire the saint, whose feast day is one of my sisters' birthdays, and if I ever used it, it'd be for both sister and saint. ;) Savio, I have never seen before. It immediately reminds me of Sanrio, the company behind Hello Kitty--not necessarily a bad thing, just my first association. It has a nice meaning and a pretty good sound (reminds me of Silvio, which I've found handsome for ages). Not one I'd choose, but certainly not bad.Vesuvius is a name for destruction and anger in my mind--it was the volcano that levelled Pompeii. I don't like it for a real person.Array

"It's not the cough that carries you off, it's the coffin they carry you off in."A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having.
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