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Loki, as a fn, mn or nn: Do you think it is a bad namesake?You can click on the name to find the meaning that this site gives, but I also think of the character in Dogma. Does anyone else think of this when they hear the name?
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Bad namesake, imo. Also makes me think of the word "loco". :-/ Worst of all, though, being a nurse, it makes me think of the word "lochia" (LOE-kee-ah). Ewww.

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I like it as mn, and I do think of the character in Dogma. But that doesn't make it a good namesake, imo.
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I LIKE IT!!!I think the namesake is so intresting it doesn't matter, its like the name itself tells a story!I don't think of an evil person when i hear this name, I just think of spirited person.
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1 - Loki is very cute.
2 - Loki can also be very manly and serious.
3 - Atleast Loki has a namesake and just isn't made up. :)
4 - I think Loki has a great namesake.
5 - I'd only use it as a FN.
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I think of....Locusts (sp?), and thats not a good thing to think of. I guess it would be an ok nn for a young child.
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I don't think it's a bad namesake so much as I think it's kind of a juvenile one. I'm not big on using names whose connotations are almost exclusive to mythology; it reminds me of adolescent fantasy naming styles, kind of like how young girls think that the most beautiful name ever is a ton of long, frilly ones all strung together. It's definitely not how I like to name.
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Yes, I agree. I think I would only ever use it as a nickname for a name like Lucas, Lucius, Lucian, or something along those lines.
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From my online d&d days I associate this with the God of mischief. He was a thief as I remember when I played Forgotten Realms - Toril.Sounds cute...for a dog great, person, not so much.
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It's too out there for me. But moreover, the god is a less-than-desirable namesake--being a murderer and all, among other crimes.Loki would be a little more tolerable in the middle name slot for me.
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Love it!I think its a great name, and I think a young boy/teenager would love the association of being a trickster etc. !
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This message was edited 8/31/2006, 11:47 PM

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I think of the GiantAnd I think it's not a good name.
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I think it would be a cute nm but not a fn
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