WDYTO Summer?
This name has grown on me...when I first heard it I thought "what kind of name is Summer?" But now I love it. I'm just curious as to what you all think. Do you like it? Love it? Hate it? Know anyone with this name? Want to use it? What are some nice middle names for it...
Thanks heaps!
Thanks heaps!
personally i think its a beautiful name, but i knew someone named summer that was just a real bratty snob so its kinda worn down on me
A bit strange to name a child after a season, but why not, it's not ugly.
It is not really my style, although I know a few Summers, one of whom spells her name Sommer.
Aww, those are such beautiful mns..Aww. It's funny, leilani is a name of an original character of mine. I just love your 'exotic' taste in names ..:)
I usually wouldn't like this type of name but I really think it's pretty!
Don't love it or hate it. I don't care for season names. It's nms but it's not hideous.
Don't love it or hate it. I don't care for season names. It's nms but it's not hideous.
Same with me.
Thanks guys!!!! It's always nice to hear others opinions :)
I know a young woman (about 20 or so) named Summer. I worked with her.
The name struck me as the sort of name that parents who were modern pagans of some sort would use, since it refers to nature.. and she was old enough that her parents could have grown up in the 1960s and been 'hippies.'
For a kid named today, I don't think the pagan/hippie thing is so strong, nor negative at any rate. But I do think that that particular nature name has a really unusually sensuous sound, because of the stressed UH and the paired Ms. That's something that will lessen as the name gets more common (and as other nature-names that have concrete images attached get more common), I'd guess. It could also be influenced by the Summer that I knew, who was tall, willowy, a bit vain, and had a sort of flirtatious, languid way of carrying herself.
I like the name.
- chazda
The name struck me as the sort of name that parents who were modern pagans of some sort would use, since it refers to nature.. and she was old enough that her parents could have grown up in the 1960s and been 'hippies.'
For a kid named today, I don't think the pagan/hippie thing is so strong, nor negative at any rate. But I do think that that particular nature name has a really unusually sensuous sound, because of the stressed UH and the paired Ms. That's something that will lessen as the name gets more common (and as other nature-names that have concrete images attached get more common), I'd guess. It could also be influenced by the Summer that I knew, who was tall, willowy, a bit vain, and had a sort of flirtatious, languid way of carrying herself.
I like the name.
- chazda
I like it. Hubby would not even consider it.