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Great name!*Firefly Light*
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Definitely not if you had an adjective last name or a name that sounds like an adjective. All I hear is "Are ya...?" Plus, as Array pointed out, it is Aryan without the n. Not a good association to have.
--------------------"The dog is a gentleman; I hope I go to his heaven, not man's."
- Mark Twain.
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Like Aria but am turned off my the YLilypie 1st Birthday PicLilypie 1st Birthday Ticker
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No.It's one N away from making you look like a white supremecist. :( I love Aria, though--it's the first name of my violin--and I think you'd have fewer pronunciation (and association) problems with it.Array

"It's not the cough that carries you off, it's the coffin they carry you off in."A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having.

This message was edited 8/29/2006, 12:39 PM

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Array, I was just going to type the same thing. ;-)Also, if you're going for the lovely Aria ("melody"), why not spell it that way? It looks so much nicer, imo.
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I prefer it spelled Aria, and then I like it. The creative spelling Arya removes the beautiful meaning from the original Aria, and in my humble opinion it doesn't look as good. I love Aria, though. :)I suppose you could also feminize Arieh/Aryeh, which I believe is pronounced the same way (does anyone know for sure?), although again that changes the meaning from "song" to "lion," which I don't think is as pretty for a girl.Another suggestion/possibility: You could use Arya as a nickname for something like Arwen.
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As a fan of George R. R. Martin's fantasy series, I tend to like the name.However, it's certainly a name that should be avoided by people who have a surname that would lead to a humorous sentence "Are you ...?" interpretation of the whole name. For example, Arya should be avoided by parents whose surname is Reddy, Sadd, True, or Woolley. :)
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Yeah I got the name from books. Martin's A GAME OF THRONES and Paolini's Eragon.
I have so many pronouncations for it.
Appriciate the help!
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According to George R. R. Martin himself, the name of the character in his series should be pronounce ARE-yuh.
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hard to pronounce in my opinion. do you have any info on this name?
I like names like this - short.
here are some other short names you might like:
Loving the Combos Kingsley James Grant and Harper Primrose
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