Re: Sibsets (long)
in reply to a message by Jae
Keara and Emma - Keara doesn't look right to me. I'd prefer Keira or Kiara at least.
Reif and Riannon - Could be much worse. I'd put an H in Rhiannon
Carter, Nicholas, and Courtney - Nothing wrong here, unless Courtney is a boy
Mattias, Hugo, and Victoria - Nice. Again I'd have an H in Matthias
Petra, David, and Nicholas - Lovely.
Eetu and Eiina - These are Finnish, aren't they? I don't know enough about Finnish names to comment . . .
Justine and Charles - Fine
John, Jackson, and Joshua - All fine names, but together the alliteration's a bit much.
Alison, Madelyn, and Michael - Fine, though I prefer Madeleine
Ryan, Casey, Jack, and Brendan (all boys) - Fine
Mattigan and Weston (Mattigan is a girl, I think) - I personally don't like FNs that sound like surnames. More so on girls.
Hunter, Parker, and Peyton - See above.
Caelan, Carson, and Cameron (all boys) - Okay individually, but together I'm not so sure
Hannah, Brady, and Conner - Okay, but I prefer Connor
Bianca and Erica - Fine
Ty, Tristan, Dylan, and Isabella - Fine, but Tristan had better be a boy
Taylar, Kennedy, and Colton - Surnames as FNs just nms. Also, Taylar? With an A?
Sarah, Joel, Adam, and Tessa - Fine
Logan (girl) and Mason (boy) - Logan is not a girl's name
Griffin, Emerson, and Avery - Not bad
Eddie and Cindy - Unexceptional, but not too bad
Briley, Skylar, and Reece - Nmsaa. 'Briley'?
Riley, Madison, and Chase - All surnames. Nms
Linn, Marcus, and Alexander - Fine
Amanda, Josh, and Matthew - I prefer Josh as a NN for Joshua, but otherwise fine
Christina, Kyle, and Alyssa - Okay. I prefer Alys or Alicia
Gage, Garrett, and Aubri - Surnames again. And it's 'Aubrey'.
Alexandra and Parker - Okay
Jack and Brooke - Could be worse
Brady, Molly, Emma, and Lola - Okay
Alexandra and Patricia - Fine
Marek and David - Both good names, but I don't like them as a pair
Jake, Anna, and Kate - Fine
Mitchell, Chase, and Kamryn - Nmsaa
Dominio, Valerie, Elizabeth, and Alexandra - Fine, except for 'Dominio'. Doesn't seem to fit with the girls.
Thomas and Oliver - Fine
Callan (boy) and Nolan - Okay
Lillian, Ashley, and Timothy - Fine
Draven and Chase - Nmsaa. Draven always looks strange to me.
Kayla, Grace, Lexi, and Liam - Seems like there's two pairs here. Grace/Liam match, as do Kayla/Lexi (nms though) but the four together don't work as well
Molly and Wilma - Okay
Pavel and Anastasia - A lovely Russian duo
Dean, Jake, Kaley, and Tara - Okay
Morgan and Daron (girls) - Morgan, yes. Daron, nms.
Madeline and Mason - I prefer Madeleine. Mason on a girl nmsaa.
Kaylee, Lindsay, Joselyn, and Jared - Okay, but I prefer Jocelyn
Kennedi and Kienan - Err . . . right. Nmsaa.
Jack, Maggie, and Catherine Rosaleen - Nice
Abigail, Micah, Mathieu, Jordan, and Christian - Nice
Carter, Nolan, and Fletcher - Could be worse
Isabella, Maria, and Sophia - Rather lovely and classical
Dalton, Carsyn, and Dilyn Skye - Nmsaa
Trevor and Emily - Fine
Nathan and Ella - Fine
Isabella and Elizabeth - Fine
Jack and George - Fine
Brenston and Kendall - It's those surnames again . . .
Dasha and Stacy - Fine
Tyra, Kaycee, and Jackson - Nms
Paulyna, Mackenzy, and Dylan - Someone's gone a little overboard with the Ys. Nmsaa.
Dawson and Easton - Sounds like a company.
Trevor, Piper, Tatum, Marki, and Darbi - And it started so well.
Rebekah and Zane - Nms, but not bad
Jaedyn, Brehna, and Kelvin - These look like they've come out of a bad fantasy novel. Sorry. Nmsaa
Ryder, Brody, and Stone - Another company.
Taylor and Avery (girls) - Surnames on girls nmsaa.
Carson and Piper (girls) - See above
Ivan and Ava - Actually I quite like these
Taylor (girl), Connor, and Dylan - Could be worse
Hayden and Foster - Okay
Jeremy, Liliane, and Jacob - Fine
Aidyn (boy), Garner (boy?), and Karlisle (girl) - Carlisle is a place. Changing the C to a K does not disguise this.
Anna and Fydor - Another nice Russian duo
Laine, Landon, and Mason - Laine & Landon yes. Mason nms.
Azilyn and Ocean - Er, no. Nmsaa
Axel and Emma - Okay
Logane (girl), Alexane (girl), and Nick - Adding an E to a boy's name does not a girl's name make. Alexane sounds like she should have siblings called Methane and Propane.
Jordyn (girl) and John - John yes, Jordyn emphatically nmsaa
Danny, Evan, and Matthew - Fine
Kennedy, Brooke, Drew, and Brett - Nms, but a good set
Rebecca, Isabella, and Alex (girl) - I prefer Alex as a NN for a girl. Alexandra?
Julia and Oliver - Fine
Aliana and Safiya - Aliana? A liana? A liana's a kind of vine.
Ryan and Redmond - Not bad
Samantha, Jakob, and Julian - Fine
Jacob and Lyla - Fine
Carlin, Avery Rose, and Max - Not too bad