Britney and I were talking about it below, and I've just got to know: Am I the only person who really likes Tiffany?
Put away the fact that it's so painfully 80s and mallrat. Just look at the name itself--its sound, its appearance, its meaning, its non-pop-culture associations. What do you think of it?
I have to admit that I honestly love Tiffany. As I said downthread, if I ever have a daughter born on the Epiphany (January 6), I would most certainly want to name her Tiffany. And then I'd probably call her Tiffty (rhymes with "nifty").
Tiffany is the only name of "my" generation (actually, the majority of Tiffanys are a few years older than me) that doesn't sound painfully dated to me--maybe because I only ever knew one, heh. So, whaddya think? Tiffany Rae? Tiffany Stardust? Tiffany Philomena? :D
Array (likes to think that with the right middle name, Tiffany could look ironic and cool rather than completely dated right now, lol)
We shall be free.
A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having.
Put away the fact that it's so painfully 80s and mallrat. Just look at the name itself--its sound, its appearance, its meaning, its non-pop-culture associations. What do you think of it?
I have to admit that I honestly love Tiffany. As I said downthread, if I ever have a daughter born on the Epiphany (January 6), I would most certainly want to name her Tiffany. And then I'd probably call her Tiffty (rhymes with "nifty").
Tiffany is the only name of "my" generation (actually, the majority of Tiffanys are a few years older than me) that doesn't sound painfully dated to me--maybe because I only ever knew one, heh. So, whaddya think? Tiffany Rae? Tiffany Stardust? Tiffany Philomena? :D
Array (likes to think that with the right middle name, Tiffany could look ironic and cool rather than completely dated right now, lol)
We shall be free.
A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having.
Yeah! I like this name very much, and I don't see why not many others do. I like all of the combo's. I would normally say that i don't like Stardust (it's not a name imho) but Tiffany Stardust works sooo nicely that I don't mind! :D

I actually don't mind it at all. I've always liked it and I'm not really sure why! It does sound a bit 80's, yes, but I still think it could work for a child born these days.
Hehe--I would've guessed that you'd hate it sincerely, lol. Where've you been, my lovely Julia? Haven't seen you around for a while. :D
I rather like Tiffany Stardust, too. I haven't the faintest idea why it works, but I think it does.
We shall be free.
A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having.
I rather like Tiffany Stardust, too. I haven't the faintest idea why it works, but I think it does.
We shall be free.
A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having.
I love it and I don't see why everyone thinks it's so preppy and 80s. It's gorgeous.
Loving: Jack Tobias & Charlotte Simone"I know that it is freezing, but I think we have to walk
I keep waving at the taxis, they keep turning their lights off
But Julie knows a party at some actor's West side loft
Supplies are endless in the evening, by the morning they'll be
I keep waving at the taxis, they keep turning their lights off
But Julie knows a party at some actor's West side loft
Supplies are endless in the evening, by the morning they'll be
I like it alright. I don't think it's ruined, and I agree about it not seeming dated right now just because, how could anyone use it with the usual image in mind? You have to think past that in order to cope with the name on a baby.
I kind of like it spelled Tiphanie, or Tiphany. To me the "Tiff" part jumps out and still makes me think of aggressive teenagers.
- mirfak
I kind of like it spelled Tiphanie, or Tiphany. To me the "Tiff" part jumps out and still makes me think of aggressive teenagers.
- mirfak
Well i've known a few Tiffany's and they are all evil and bitchy. Plus they all get called TitFanny (and here fanny is not another word for bum..)
I just have a hard time taking any adult named Tiffany seriously. I've actually had a conversation this with my co-workers. We have a client named Tiffany that no one will take seriously. Her name just makes us all laugh. It's just one of those names that looks so flaky and conceeded, sorry. But my mental picture of a girl named Tiffany is one from the 80's that does that Valley speak.
Ugh, I can't stand the name Tiffany actually. It does seem painfully dated to me. It's unattractive to me in both appearance and sound.
Now, if you decided to use Theophania, that wouldn't be too bad.

Now, if you decided to use Theophania, that wouldn't be too bad.

AHH! YES! I can come out of the closet on liking Tiffany! HA! Sorry, this kind of made my day. I've always liked this in a "what-if" sort of way, you know? Tiffany would need a really offbeat middle name, and a cool nickname. Tiffty works ;)
Thanks for liking this, seriously. I'm going to go do a jig.

Thanks for liking this, seriously. I'm going to go do a jig.

Speaking of name days, is there a place on the web where you can enter a date and see what names are applicable?
There's one here, actually.
Check out the insanely awesome calendar of namedays:
Have fun. :D
We shall be free.
A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having.
Check out the insanely awesome calendar of namedays:
Have fun. :D
We shall be free.
A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having.
The Tiffany's I know are both great, intellegent ladies. Also, the jewelry store and the Audrey Hepburn association does scream class. HOWEVER--- I think that mall singer in the 80s killed it dead. ("I think we're alone now. There doesn't seem to be anyone around...")and for that I am tragically sorry. Also, the name sounds funny to me. I mean humorous haha funny. Tiff is a funny word. We had a tiff. It's just one of those names that makes me laugh. Laughter is good, right? It never even occurred to me that Tiffany had a meaning. Isn't that awful? Name your bishon frise puppy Tiffany. Your French poodle even.
To me, Tiffany doesn't sound dated (think Breakfast at Tiffany's), but rather fits right in with the current surname as fn trend. At the same time (probably b/c of the jewelry store and Audrey Hepburn associations) is sounds classy. I certainly don't put it in the same class as Steffanie or Jennifer, which were popular around the same time.
Hmmm...I'm not sure if I can come up with any "ironic" combos, but I'll give it a shot:
Tiffany Lucasta
Valaida Tiffany
Tiffany Lily-of-the-Valley
Tiffany Hazel
Edna Tiffany
Tiffany Myrtle
Any catch your fancy?

Hmmm...I'm not sure if I can come up with any "ironic" combos, but I'll give it a shot:
Tiffany Lucasta
Valaida Tiffany
Tiffany Lily-of-the-Valley
Tiffany Hazel
Edna Tiffany
Tiffany Myrtle
Any catch your fancy?

I've always liked the name Tiffany, and I'm always annoyed at the stereo-types (bimbo, stripper, etc.) and just the bad-mouthing it gets. I think it's a lovely, light name.
I know two Tiffanys, by the way. From your combos, the only one I tolerate is Tiffany Rae, but I do prefer Rae as a nickname for Rachel, so I'd prefer Tiffany Rachel.
So, you're not alone in liking Tiffany.
Edit: Spelling.
Fashion is a form of ugliness so intolerable that we must alter it every six months. - Oscar Wilde
I know two Tiffanys, by the way. From your combos, the only one I tolerate is Tiffany Rae, but I do prefer Rae as a nickname for Rachel, so I'd prefer Tiffany Rachel.
So, you're not alone in liking Tiffany.
Edit: Spelling.
This message was edited 8/10/2006, 1:05 PM