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The name of a passworded baby on Ugh.And just to avoid a double post (haha), what do you think of Ambrose, Stelian and Maximus as siblings?

Pintel: You know you can't read.
Ragetti: It's The Bible, You get credit for trying! Seraphina, Guinevere, Ophelia, Sterling, River, Aurelien

This message was edited 8/10/2006, 1:58 AM

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I came up with "roh-SHAIL-yu-un." Pretty sounding, but one too many syllables for my taste. And the -yly- part hurts my eyes.Ambrose and Maximus are good as brothers, but Stelian doesn't fit as well.- mirfak
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roh-SHAY-lee-OO-in?It's the best I can do. And honestly, that's kind of pretty-sounding--but good God, is that complicated.They work as siblings. I wouldn't do it, but they definitely work. ;)Array

We shall be free.A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having.

This message was edited 8/10/2006, 12:35 PM

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Huh?Yeah, I would have no idea how to pronounce that and I sat there for a few minutes trying to figure it out :PI love Maximus and I like Ambrose. I prefer Stellan. ~Lisa~
!!!!!: Morgaine, Arthur, Vivianne, Lancelot, & Guinevere
???????: William, Charles, Percival, Frederick, George, Ronald, & Ginevra
....: Peter, Susan, Edmund, & Lucy
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What a horrible name! She'll have to spell her name out loud the whole time (unless until the day she'll change her name...)Ambrose, Stelian and Maximus make a great sibset! I love Maximus and Stelian :) Ambrose sound good with it too. Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
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Too many letters for one name, don't you think? Schoolmates and even him/herself would likely shorten it...maybe to Roshie or Rosha. Ew.
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I don't really understand your post but I was wondering what on earth passworded babies are?
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I think it's birth annoucements that you need a password to view. I'm not positive, though, but it's what I've gathered.
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Yes, birth announcements on an online web nursery called We BtNers make posts all the time about babies with unfortunate names that show up on there.
Pintel: You know you can't read.
Ragetti: It's The Bible, You get credit for trying! Seraphina, Guinevere, Ophelia, Ambrose, Stelian, Maximus
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