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I looked up the popularity of Campbell and was surprised to see it is more popular for females than for male. I have long thought that Carter and Campbell would be a cute sibset, but had both of them in mind as male names. I have a weakness for surnames as first names. Also, Bell is a family name for me. What do you think of Campbell for a boy or girl?Britney Tamber
dh Adam Jeffrey
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Mmmm, mmmm goodMakes me think of Campbell's Soup. I don't mind it for a boy--I also think of Campbell Scott. :) But it's a little too surnamey as a fn for me, and I think it's awful on a girl.

"Why is it that, as a culture, we are more comfortable seeing two men holding guns than holding hands?" - Ernest Gaines

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, then the world will know peace" - Jimi Hendrix
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I'm surprised to hear that it's so popular with the girls. It's all boy to me. I'm not a huge fan of it though.
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Ugh. My mom wanted to name my sister this if she had been a boy, and I strongly dislike it on either gender. If Bell is a family name, use a Bell name, like Belle, Bluebell, or Amabel. Those are all nice, imo.-Lulu
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Campbell- boys name
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I'm afraid that the combination of its similarity in sound to Camryn and the fame of the newscaster Campbell Brown means that Campbell will stay predominately female in the USA.
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The name Campbell is not my style in general (partly due to the soup), but if I had to pick which gender I preferred it on I would say boy.
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For me, Campbell is definatly for a boy. I have no idea why parents started using this names for girls. XD~*STARLA-MARIE*~
Hope itself, is like a star. Not to be seen in the light of prosperity; and only to be seen in the night of adversity...
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a girl [m]Campbell is a type of soup. That's all I think of when I see hear or this name. Sorry.Carter is alright. I know a boy named this he is very whiney kid. It doesn't bring a good image to mind.~* In Memory of*~: Elizabeth & Abigail Ramierez."We all go a little mad sometimes" - Norman Bates in Psycho

This message was edited 8/9/2006, 4:06 PM

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