I don't know if I could ever use it as a real first name, but there's something about this name that's really grabbing me. What are your opinions on Belphoebe?
Pintel: You know you can't read.
Ragetti: It's The Bible, You get credit for trying!
Jack: Why is the rum always gone? [wobbles over to hat] Oh, that's why.
The statement below is true.
The statement above is false.
Sterling, Alexander, Riordan, Lily Rose, Caroline, Juliet
Pintel: You know you can't read.
Ragetti: It's The Bible, You get credit for trying!
Jack: Why is the rum always gone? [wobbles over to hat] Oh, that's why.
The statement below is true.
The statement above is false.
Sterling, Alexander, Riordan, Lily Rose, Caroline, Juliet
No. I really do not like it at all. I don't understand the obsession with Bel-something. Like Belrose. No way!
I really like Phoebe and I like names with Bel- prefixes, but for some reason, Belphoebe isn't thrilling me. Maybe b/c it *almost* sounds too long. I like the sound of "Belphoe" and "Phoebelle" (had to put the extra -le or else it sounds like feeble), but Belphoebe...I dunno. I think I like it better as two distinct names: Belle Phoebe. However, Belphoebe will probably end up growing on me, since I'm already in love with Belrose!
It just looks and sounds awkward to me. I'd much prefer Isabel or Phoebe (or Phoebe Isabel).
"Why is it that, as a culture, we are more comfortable seeing two men holding guns than holding hands?" - Ernest Gaines
"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, then the world will know peace" - Jimi Hendrix
It looks totally made up to me. I really dislike it, and it's too long.
sorry, but I don't care for it. However, Phobe is nice, and if you really wanted to use Belphoebe, have her go by the nickname Belle, Bella, or Phoebe :) Just a suggestion.
" A girl can never have too many shoes..."-this one goes out to Lillian :)
" A girl can never have too many shoes..."-this one goes out to Lillian :)
This message was edited 7/31/2006, 6:49 PM