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Re: Amabel
in reply to a message by LAB
Amabel's a very old name, and the original form of Annabel (no, it originally wasn't a combination of Anna and Belle, contrary to popular belief). I think it's a sweet name, with a good meaning and history behind it.It's pronounced AM-ah-bel. The MAY-bul pronunciation of its diminutive, Mabel, arose out of the fact that MAY-bul sounds better than MAH-bel as an independant name. At least, that's my own theory on that matter.I also like the medieval forms Amabilia, Amabilis, and Amabilla. Those are the historically correct documented forms, but I see no reason why my preferred spellings of Amabelia, Amabelis, and Amabella couldn't have been used from time to time too. I'd also like Amiable (another form), if it weren't a vocabulary word.Miranda
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