A majority no to Edith/Edit so how about Enid? Think Ghost World (2001). Gorgeous meaning! I realy like it.

Enid is very pretty. It's unusual without being over the top.
I've always loved Enid, perhaps because I loved Enid Blyton's books as a child and she's the only Enid I've ever heard of lol. I'm not sure if I'd be brave enough to use it but it's always in the back of my mind as a middle-name possibility.
♦ Chrisell ♦
All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us. - J.R.R. Tolkien.
All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us. - J.R.R. Tolkien.
I love it!
It's so pretty and it certainly does have a lovely meaning. :-)
It's so pretty and it certainly does have a lovely meaning. :-)
It does have a nice meaning, but it's one of those names that I really want to like yet just can't for some reason.
I love the French pronunciation of Edith, though.
A bad wound may heal, but a bad name will kill.
Scottish Proverb
"'Scuse me, mind not farting while I'm trying to save the world?"
I love the French pronunciation of Edith, though.
A bad wound may heal, but a bad name will kill.
Scottish Proverb
"'Scuse me, mind not farting while I'm trying to save the world?"