Sydney or Shaelyn? n/t
Proud Mommy to Patches (my kitty :)
Future Mom to Hannah Margaret and Sydney Catherine.
I like Shaelyn :)
Cassie Anne (not Cassandra!)
Fiance to Grant Stephen
Mum to Hayley Anne :)
D.O.B: 8th October, 2004
Cassie Anne (not Cassandra!)
Fiance to Grant Stephen
Mum to Hayley Anne :)
D.O.B: 8th October, 2004
Definitely Sydney

Jennifer Nicole
Loving the Names:
Ariella Kathryn, Carrie Marie, Elisabeth Ava, Faith Alexandra, Michaela Reese
Cade Preston, Deacon James, Grant William, Jude Hamilton, Roman Spencer
Jennifer Nicole
Loving the Names:
Ariella Kathryn, Carrie Marie, Elisabeth Ava, Faith Alexandra, Michaela Reese
Cade Preston, Deacon James, Grant William, Jude Hamilton, Roman Spencer
(or rather Sydney for a boy)
~Louise x
~*~Top Names~*~
Charles Frederick & Isabel Primrose

(or rather Sydney for a boy)
~Louise x
Charles Frederick & Isabel Primrose

I agree too

Completely agree
Top Names
Marguerite Ruth , Eleanor Colette, Evangeline Fae, Lucine Mariana, Celia Rosalie
Ezekiel Zane, Asher Taliesin, Sebastian Ainslie, Arthur Isidore, Hector Elisha, Diederik Ariel, Dashiell Benedict, Costanzo Leonti
Marguerite Ruth , Eleanor Colette, Evangeline Fae, Lucine Mariana, Celia Rosalie
Ezekiel Zane, Asher Taliesin, Sebastian Ainslie, Arthur Isidore, Hector Elisha, Diederik Ariel, Dashiell Benedict, Costanzo Leonti
I agree.
Sydney, hands down. *my opinion*
My brother and his girlfriend are having a baby next month and they are seriously considering the name Sydney Elizabeth. Their other contenders were:
Pearl Elizabeth
Ava Elizabeth
*Elizabeth is the mother's middle's parents' names are Daniel Seth and Joy Ann Elizabeth
any suggestions?
My brother and his girlfriend are having a baby next month and they are seriously considering the name Sydney Elizabeth. Their other contenders were:
Pearl Elizabeth
Ava Elizabeth
*Elizabeth is the mother's middle's parents' names are Daniel Seth and Joy Ann Elizabeth
any suggestions?
Sure, any more suggestions would be good. They like old fashioned are some family names that I think they could use in some form. Elizabeth is the middle name for sure, so whatever might sound good with that.
Any variations of these you can think of?? Or any other suggestions?
Any variations of these you can think of?? Or any other suggestions?
Sydney, no contest.
What are the convulsions of a city in comparison with the insurrections of the soul?
Man is a depth still greater than the people.
Man is a depth still greater than the people.
Proud Mommy to Patches (my kitty :)
Future Mom to Hannah Margaret and Sydney Catherine.
Proud Mommy to Patches (my kitty :)
Future Mom to Hannah Margaret and Sydney Catherine.
"Why is it that, as a culture, we are more comfortable seeing two men holding guns than holding hands?" - Ernest Gaines
"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, then the world will know peace" - Jimi Hendrix