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Violetta?? WDYT???
We are looking for an Italian name for our next daughter that will go with our first daughter's name Giuliana. We both very much like Violetta, but we are concerned that it might be too different. We would use the nn Vita. WDYT???
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Very pretty, I like it. :)
-- Sarah
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I think it's gorgeous! Giuliana and Violetta sound wonderful together.I don't think Violetta is too different. It's unusual but not weird.I really dislike Vita, sorry.
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Love it. *Really* love it!
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Definitely go for it!Cheers,
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I love Violetta! It isn't too different, it's delightfully so! You can look at Violetta would be fairly easy to spell and pronounce, and yet would stand out in all the Madisons, Avas, and Ashleys.I hope you use it!
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I don't really like Violetta...nms, but it is nice. I like Vita better as stand alone. One great Italian name I heard and has stuck with me is Fiamma. It means "flame"
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Violetta is a gorgeous name. :)¡VIVA ESPAÑA!
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I think Violetta nn Vita would be fine. Not too different at all--after all, Violet's growing perfectly popular (alas). Violetta will fit in nicely--and I think it (and nn Vita) are lovely. :) I'd call her Etta, personally, but all the nicknames of this name are lovely: Vi, Vivi, Vita, Letta, Etta, Ettie, Lettie, Via, etc. It offers a lot of options.Array

...And then he said, "You're independent, aren't you?"
"Yes," said Laura.A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having.

This message was edited 6/30/2006, 8:02 AM

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I agree!

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I love the nn Etta, for some reason I had never thought of that. Thank you so much for the suggestion!
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I think Violetta is absolutlely beautiful, and it sounds great with your first daughter's name. The nn Vita is adorable, too. I say go for it!
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I have been seriously thinking about changing my name to Violetta and I also would encourage you to use it. I don't find it to be too much of a name at all. I would personally not use a nickname but that's just my preference. I don't know why many many people on btn seem so set on needing a nickname for everything but Violetta is only four sylables (sorry for bad spelling). If you really wanted a nickname I would suggest Letta. To me Vita is so "old school" if you know what I mean. Best of luck !
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Sorry, the above message was intended to be freestanding.
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