Re: Jessie (for a girl)
in reply to a message by Sadie
Jessie is feminine to me (Jesse masculine). It might only confuse people when people talk about Jessie, because the difference between Jassie and Jesse can't be heard, I don't htink it'll be a major problem though.
I would like it as a fn, I don't like it when people give their child a name, just because they want a certain nn. Over here (the Netherlands) it's custom that you give your child the name you'll end up calling him/her, not a different fn with nn, but the nn as full fn.
I like Jessie, it used to be one of my favs for a girl (exactly like this not as a nn). Now it is replaced by others, but I still like it.
Jessie Rose
Jessie Rosemary
Jessie Cassandra
Jessie Tamsin
Jessie Louise
Jessie Seraphine
Jessie Evelyn
Jessie Paige
Jessie Raine

I would like it as a fn, I don't like it when people give their child a name, just because they want a certain nn. Over here (the Netherlands) it's custom that you give your child the name you'll end up calling him/her, not a different fn with nn, but the nn as full fn.
I like Jessie, it used to be one of my favs for a girl (exactly like this not as a nn). Now it is replaced by others, but I still like it.
Jessie Rose
Jessie Rosemary
Jessie Cassandra
Jessie Tamsin
Jessie Louise
Jessie Seraphine
Jessie Evelyn
Jessie Paige
Jessie Raine