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Re: This or That – Old-fashioned vs Modern
Archer, but Archibald is respectable.
Aaliyah, but I don't like the spelling.
Juniper, I don't like Jennifer.
Susannah, I don't like Sienna.
Kai, I don't like Kirk
Ivy, but Yvonne is good.
Eden, but Edna is okay.
Roger, I don't like Ryker.
Madison, I don't like Millicent.
Roy, but Rex is kind of cool.
Crew, I don't like Curtis
Shayla, I'm not sure how I feel about Sheila.
Arlo, I'm not sure how I feel about Earl.
Everly, but I don't like either.
Axel, but I do like Anselm.
Harlow, I don't like Arlene.
Navy, I don't like Nellie. or

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