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Most reoccurring initial on your list?
Do you have an initial that is most common in your lists? If so, why is that? Was it on purpose or purely a coincidence? For me it was only a coincidence that I had many names with the same starting initial. I definitely have a subconscious preference for names where the first initial is in the first half of the alphabet! A good majority of my list has names beginning with A- J. Funny right? I wonder why that is, or what it means..!A & C are the most popular initials of mine for girls,
E & G are the most reoccurring initials for boys (A & C closely behind!)So I ask what are your most common initials if you have any, and why that is.


L, by far. A third of my favorite names (total 12 currently) start with L.
Masculine: A is the most popular by a huge margin, and C comes in second.
Feminine: A is the most popular, then E and M not too far behind.
Unisex: A, E, and M are the top 3, similar to the feminine names.I have no idea why these are the most common in my lists. K and J are two of my favorite starting letters, although it turns out that is not very apparent in my lists.
For each of my lists!
In Use (for an OC): A (Follwed by E, L, S)
Feminine: A (Shortly followed by M)
Masculine: A (Followed by M)
Neutral: A (Shortly followed by L)I think I have a bias.
A, H, J and M girlsA boysMore of my boy names start with just one letter though I think I have a greater variety of names for boys than girls.
E. My late brother's first initial was E and I was looking for names to honour him.

This message was edited 3/21/2025, 2:47 PM

Boys: A, S, M.
Girls: A, M, S.
Boys: A and G
Girls: C and JNo reason, except that I happen to like three or more names for each initial.
Boys: A, G
Girls: E, CNo reason, except that I happen to like three or so names starting with each of those letters.
I think for me, a lot of M and A names
In my boy name list, C occurs the most. In my girl name list, A and S occur the most. I think A is just because it’s the most common initial for girl names, but S is genuinely my favorite for girls, and I did rack those up on purpose. I like C, but I think I would’ve said M is my favorite for boys.

This message was edited 3/21/2025, 11:43 AM

A & S seem to appear frequently :)
My most common letters on my feminine pnl are A E & V and on my masculine pnl are A J & EBut in general my favourite initials are A & J
My most common initials are A & D on my feminine PLN and A & E on my masculine PLNBut my favorite initials generally speaking are S, C, E and D
My reoccurring initials change as I update my lists. I think it depends on my mood.

This message was edited yesterday, 1:59 AM