What is the worst spelling of a name you have ever seen?
In real life? Jezzika
Airwrecka because I didn't know it was supposed to be Erica. Keighley is a close second, but I strangely enjoy it because it looks like a Gaelic last name. It seems more foreign and unique than it actually is. I can usually forgive odd spellings even if I dislike them. I don't mind -lee, -leah, or -lah too much.
Taleigha for Talia. I knew a girl named this and she got upset if we didn't spell or pronounce it perfectly first time.
How would Temptress ever work as a spelling of Tempest? I have accepted that in creative spellings vowels are strictly decorative but the consonants don't even line up for these two! And what's worse they are both just nouns that have pronunciations and I don't think there's many people who'd say them the same. Absolutely insane xD
Erienne for Erin??? That does not look like it's pronounced the same!
Kaidynce is really bad. An ex-friend of mine named one of her kids Kaydance and I thought that was bad, but Kaidynce is worse.
Ashle instead of Ashley or even Ashlee irks me.
Ashley is the only spelling I like for boys and girls. Ashlee, Ashle, Ashlee, Ashleigh, are all pretty bad.
I don't like Ashlee either, but at least it makes sense.
Qathi instead of Kathy or Cathy
Reignbow instead of Rainbow. Her two sisters had equally interesting names but they were spelled the way people writing them in English would expect.
Jo-Anna for Joanna
Leigh-Anne for Leanne
Reignbow instead of Rainbow. Her two sisters had equally interesting names but they were spelled the way people writing them in English would expect.
Jo-Anna for Joanna
Leigh-Anne for Leanne
Eyesayuh (Isaiah)
Aleahya, Aleigha for Aaliyah
Xxavier, Exzavier for Xavier
Kashmir - not really a name anyway, but Cashmere
Kaliopi for Calliope
Izeck for Isaac
Kylee for Kaylee
Edit: Remembered more
Xxavier, Exzavier for Xavier
Kashmir - not really a name anyway, but Cashmere
Kaliopi for Calliope
Izeck for Isaac
Kylee for Kaylee
Edit: Remembered more
This message was edited 3/20/2025, 9:05 PM
Kashmir is a region in India and a song by Led Zeppelin
Kaliopi looks like the modern Greek spelling, Kalliopi.
Those poor children
Yep, some parents think they are clever or making their child stand out, but it just causes the child a lifetime of aggravation.
Ciel (Kyle) and Teighlor (Taylor)
I knew a girl named Ciel. Her name was Cecilia but she went by Ciel. She pronounced it seel .
Ciel for Cecilia is fun. Ciel only became horrible after I found out it was Kyle in disguise.
I would pronounce Ciel as the French word (see-el) Never would I have thought it was a creative spelling of Kyle!
That's what I guessed too. I saw it on an employee's name tag and said "Oh, is that see-el, like 'sky' in French?" but the guy said "no, it's Kyle". I was definitely surprised!
I have a Kiel. We used to jokingly call him Keel.
Poeatri (Poetry)
Juanastie "Honesty"
Potentially someone was trying to honor a Juana or Juan? but they pronounced it like Honesty.
Potentially someone was trying to honor a Juana or Juan? but they pronounced it like Honesty.
This message was edited 3/20/2025, 6:27 AM
Well those aren't too bad. I kind of like Aerinn (Aerin even better), it looks Welsh.
My most atrocious example is Keyrn (Karen). It looks like a keyboard smash.
I recently saw a Whitnye too :p
My most atrocious example is Keyrn (Karen). It looks like a keyboard smash.
I recently saw a Whitnye too :p
The one that springs to mind wasn’t objectively bad, but caused a bit of an issue as a teacher. The girl was named Leekisha, pronounced lə-KEE-shə, which would have been fine except that our school principal mandated a very heavy emphasis on phonetics in the older grades that year (she was in year 7 so 11-12, not learning to read), and while English has a dozen plus graphemes that represent ə, /ee/ is not one of them.
She was VERY offended that she couldn’t use the phonetic system for her name!
She was VERY offended that she couldn’t use the phonetic system for her name!
This message was edited 3/20/2025, 2:44 AM
I have worked with kids for almost 16 years so I've seen a lot... The first two that come to mind are Xristina and Bengerman. I'll add more if I think of any.
Xristina might be from other culture
X in Cyrillic is kh sound and sometimes here we can write it as still x. In my country we have Khrystyna which has kh, with kh so do Russia, Greece, other countries. In places like Azerbaijan x in Latin means kh. So it maybe is just transcription choice or Russian person from Azerbaijan or other country that do that?
Or it is just English person with kre8tiv parents...
X in Cyrillic is kh sound and sometimes here we can write it as still x. In my country we have Khrystyna which has kh, with kh so do Russia, Greece, other countries. In places like Azerbaijan x in Latin means kh. So it maybe is just transcription choice or Russian person from Azerbaijan or other country that do that?
Or it is just English person with kre8tiv parents...