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Re: This or That – Old-fashioned vs Modern
Archibald vs Archer - Achibald
Aretha vs Aaliyah - not particularly a fan of either
Jennifer vs Juniper - Jennifer
Susannah vs Sienna - Susannah
Kirk vs Kai - Kirk if I had to
Yvonne vs Ivy - Ivy
Edna vs Eden - Eden but I like both
Roger vs Ryker - Roger
Millicent vs Madison - Millicent
Roy vs Rex - neither
Curtis vs Crew - Curtis
Sheila vs Shayla - neither
Earl vs Arlo - Arlo
Beverly vs Everly - Beverly
Anselm vs Axel - neither
Arlene vs Harlow - neither
Nellie vs Navy - Nellie

Health care 🏥 Food and shelter 🥣🏠 Climate action 🌊
LGBTQIA+ acceptance 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️ Accessibility & inclusion 🦽♾
…are human rightsCats aren’t a human right, but they are pretty awesome 🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛

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