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Re: Harper
Short answer: because it's an Internet comments section.
Harper's only one of the most popular names in the US right now, so you gotta figure, someone has to be lying, right? And people showing off on the Internet is more likely than the Social Security Administration's stats people making it all up.I think Harper is ugly. The ar-er combination is always harsh to me, why I don't like Parker or Arthur either.
Yes, the harp is a lovely instrument, but so's the guitar and the piano and the flute, but who thinks to name their kid Guitarist or Pianist or Flautist? That's just kind of a weak argument to me.
Harper Lee didn't even go by Harper in her personal life. She went by her first name which was Nell. I don't remember if I knew why, but it might have been so she could sound like a male and be taken more seriously as a writer? Which is understandable but not especially positive and doesn't make the name Harper feel like an actual unisex or feminine name.
Also, to harp means to complain on and on about something. And at the risk of harping on the subject, I don't see anything attractive about Harper that would warrant its popularity right now.Before you criticize a man, walk a mile in his shoes. That way, when you criticize him, you're a mile away and you have his shoes!
Steve Martin

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