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Re: Harper
I think people on this site generally dislike first names derived from last names, especially on girls. I don't think Harper sounds harsh, but it doesn't sound overly soft either – which I like.I personally like Harper. It used to be my favorite US Top 10 name because...1) It reminds me of harps as well, and I like Celtic music which uses it often.
2) It goes against the trend of overly feminine, soft, vowel-heavy names like Olivia, Amelia, Lilia etc.
3) Yes, it's trendy, but only in English speaking countries. In my country, Harper is not used as a baby name – which makes me less worried about its popularity. On the other hand, there are thousands of Emma's and Sofie's. I'm more inclined to like names that I don't meet often, and I've never met a Harper.
4) It makes me think of the character in Wizards of Waverly Place which is where I first encountered Harper as a first name. She was a bit ditzy but very fun and quirky, and she made me like the name.

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