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Re: This or That – Old-fashioned vs Modern
1. Archer - I don't think "bald" works that well in the name
2. Aretha - I like this one better because Aaliyah looks like a spelling nightmare.
3. Juniper - I think Juniper just has a certain spice that Jennifer doesn't.
4. Sienna - If this had been Savannah vs Sienna it would have been way different.
5. Kai - Kirk just reminds me of Star Trek.
6. Ivy - This was a tough one! I actually like them both a lot for different reasons.
7. Eden - Edna makes me think of The Incredibles. I think it's a bit too dusty for me.
8. Roger - Roger is so much better. Ryker looks spiky and dangerous.
9. Millicent - I don't like either of these but I like the nickname "Millie" more than "Maddie".
10. Roy - Makes me think of Fire Emblem but feels a lot less childish than Rex.
11. Curtis - I definitely prefer the spelling "Kurtis" (Curtis makes me think "curd") but Crew is terrible.
12. Sheila - Shayla is boring.
13. Earl - Arlo feels too childish.
14. Everly - I don't actually like either but I have an instinctual hatred of B names and I've been warming up to Ever- names.
15. Axel - Anselm feels way more awkward to say. I do think Axel is pretty immature but I like it better.
16. Harlow - I think this works better as a boy's name but ultimately harmless. Arlene just makes me wish it was Eileen.
17. Nellie - I dislike Navy for much the same reasons I dislike Crew. It's too militaristic and doesn't feel like a name.

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