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Re: Hester, Thekla, Elfreda, Keziah...
in reply to a message by ari.
Wow, what a set! I've always had a weird soft spot for Keziah, because I went to school with a girl with this name - she wasn't my friend, and she was honestly a really off-putting religious bully, but I thought her name was just fabulous. We pronounced it like KAY-zee-ah. So Keziah gives me a bizrre flavor of nostalgia. It's fun.Hester is fantastic and I love it. I'm so curious about her middle name, augh the pain.Thekla (or Thecla) is a name I've always wanted to appreciate more. It looks very cool, but it really feels like an untouchable artifact, so spiky. I always think of that votive crown of Recceswinth whenever I see this name. Elfreda is adorable.

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