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I found out about the name Zed today. My first thought was, god, that's a horrible thing to be called...
The usage is English so it probably doesn't matter where this name is actually being used but to me as a Ukrainian that's horrible... that makes me very sad. My reasoning is because Zed sounds like "zet", which denotes to the letter Z, in the Latin alphabet. If anyone here is still confused why it's bothering me– despise this name, I'm sorry if you are named Zed or like the name Zed, but I can't set that aside.What are all of your opinions about Zed? Do you like it? Hate it? Liked it, but after learning this you are now also bothered?


Not a fan
I like Zed, it's a cool nickname. I don't think of the letter because it's called "zeta" in my language, however, I can't help but think that association is really unfortunate. :/
Thank you for the reference: it is certainly horrifying, and I quite understand your reaction. But it doesn't have those connotations outside the Russian/Ukrainean world. In English it is acceptable though not popular to use first-name initials to refer to someone, though not usually as a 'name' to call them by. 'I'll visit Aunt M and Uncle J on Sunday' would more often be written than spoken, though it could be. And if an initial sounds like a name - J = Jay, K = Kay - then that works too.
Where I live the letter Z is pronounced 'zee', so I don't have that connection. I like the sound of Zed, it's got pizazz.I'm sorry that it's triggering for you.
I've heard Zed somewhere before but I can't tell where... maybe there is or was celebrity named that?
I also dislike it, not only because of "zet" but in english it just sounds very boring, uncreative like Ned, Edd or Jim.