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Excited for our baby but we don't know what to name her
We are happily if a little unexpectedly pregnant with our third daughter. We have fallen in love with Verity but our last name is Davis giving her the unfortunate initials VD.So far our list consists of Bea
TwylaDoes anything strike you as a good name for us? Would you suggest something else? We don't want anything super popular. We'd also like something with a nice meaning. It also shouldn't sound weird with our other daughters Astrid Lily and Lark Sylvia.


Verity is a beautiful name, and I don't think the initials are a dealbreaker.
Your other girls' names are so beautiful, and Verity matches them! Beatrix and Bea are lovely too. The others are not my style, but all of them would work!
I really like Verity, Beatrix, Flora, and Sybil. Some names that might fit in as first or middle options (the long ones would only go with VERY short names so they're not too long compared to your other kids names):
Phoebe (as in the bird)
I like Beatrix with the nickname Bea.
I love Verity.
Flora, Sybil, and Twyla are ok -I appreciate them, but can't say I like them. Have you considered Sylvie or Sylvia? Oh, rats, just saw it's Lark's middle name.
I like Flora and Twyla.
I love the sound of Flora Davis and I think Astrid, Lark and Flora are very sweet together for sisters. I think Flora Verity Davis is a lovely combo.
I don't see VD as an issue :)I had to ask somebody else to see what was wrong with VDI think Verity Davis is a lovely name. But if you really don't like the initials, you could substitute Verity with Amity? I personally wouldn't use Flora because its a brand of butter over here, so otherwise out of your options, I think Beatrix is the best
Verity Davis is a great name! Just give her a middle name and problem solved.My initials without my middle name are CP, something so much worse, but it's never effected me and I hardly think about it.I doubt many even think about initials unless you point it out.
I think your options are all fantastic! For what it's worth, VD is fairly dated as an abbreviation, and STD is much more common, so I think if you like Verity the most you should go for it. Personally, though, I prefer all your other names to Verity. They all work fantastically with Astrid and Lark -- distinctive and nature-y with a sharpness and elegance to them. I think stylistically, Sybil and Beatrix are probably the closest matches to Astrid and Lark, but I like the contrast of Flora and Twyla quite a bit. Flora brings an open, hard vowel sound to the group and Twyla is such a one-off, with that unusual Tw- sound! Also, Flora and Twyla will probably deal with the fewest misspellings/mishearings. I imagine Sybil would be spelled Sibyl and Beatrix would be called Beatrice quite a bit.

This message was edited 1/24/2025, 8:31 PM

I like the Sibyl spelling a little more but the Sybil spelling is/was more common. So not sure what we're going to do if we choose it.
What is VD? Verity is nice.What about Clarity? Or Liberty?I love Sybil, long time favorite of mine. I like Bea and Flora but only short for Beatrice and Florence. I think Flora goes best with Astrid and Lark.
VD the initials for Venereal Disease
Since your two daughters have "L" nature names, I'd suggestFirst name
LinneaMiddle names
Linnet (Lynn it)
LindenVerity, Beatrix, and Sybil are great names. Amity and Honora might appeal to you also because of their meaning.
Lots of combination possibilities here but Amity Lilac is a favorite.

This message was edited 1/24/2025, 1:54 PM

We've been discussing using an L name as a middle name but we could also decide to use it as a first. Linnea is actually on our list along with
Laurel and Love.

This message was edited 1/25/2025, 8:05 AM

Laurel and Love go well with Verity. Although Liesl isn't a nature-inspired name, it has the same roots as Astrid and Sylvia.
I wouldn't have another L as a first name, I prefer siblings to have different starting letters, also if two have the same initial and one doesn't
We hadn't considered Felicity or Talia. Thanks for the suggestions.

This message was edited 1/25/2025, 8:05 AM

I like Beatrix, Flora, and Sybil from your list. I don't Bea on it's own with Beatrix.Also Viola Davis is a very successful actress, so I think Verity Davis could also work.
I wouldn't let VD stop me. Verity Davis sounds lovely together. Beatrix is beautiful as well. Bea would make a nice nickname. Flora is the most awkward of your list to me, I wouldn't go with it. Suggestions:Elodie
I do like Zinnia and Leona made me think of Lenore which I really like because I'm a fan of Poe.

This message was edited 1/25/2025, 8:04 AM

What about Bryony / Briony?
If you are giving your daughter a middle name, the initials would be V.E.D. if it were Verity Elizabeth Davis or whatever middle name you choose. It isn't as if you are using S.T.D. initials. Beatrix and Flora are both lovely. Beatrix is traditional and steadfast but with a bit of fairytale glamor. Flora is refreshing and nature inspired.
Bea is a bit incomplete.
Twyla is eccentric and zany.
Sybil strikes me as tremulous like a timid rabbit or a senior citizen with a quivering voice. Other names you might like: Fiona, Adelaide, Matilda, Clarice, Isemay, Maris, Irene, Judith, Yvette, Laurel
We are considering Laurel as a possible middle name to keep with our unintentional L really like Clarice but my husband doesn't. Thanks for the suggestions.

This message was edited 1/25/2025, 8:06 AM

If the meaning of the word Verity is part of why you like the name, both True and Truth have been used as given names on rare occasions and the name Alethea also goes back to a word meaning "truth."I do agree with the others who say that "V.D." is a now a very out-of-date term and children your daughter's age are unlikely to know it, so I think Verity would actually be fine.
What is wrong with VD? From your list I like Flora and Sybil. For new names:
Ivanna (or Ivana, or Iva)
Besima (feminisation of Besim; an Albanian name with a meaning similar to Verity. Note the feminine form is not used by Albanians)
You might like Zoya or Ruzan (or Ruzanna)? Maybe Sohvi or Terhi.
I think Dagmar goes with Astrid and Lark.

This message was edited 1/24/2025, 9:45 AM

Your suggestion of Dagmar reminds me of one of our SERIOUS contenders for Lark, Dagny. I like the meaning still. Will be suggesting it to my husband again. So thanks A LOT for the suggestion.

This message was edited 1/25/2025, 8:06 AM

VD is an old-fashioned term short for "venereal disease". But in North America at least, people now usually say "STI" (sexually transmitted infection).
Same in South Africa, which is usually rather slow in catching up with new trends. STIs or STDs.
I adore Sibyl (this spelling only) and really like Flora and Beatrix and am charmed by Twyla (prefer Twila). I vote for Sibyl Verity or Twila Verity.
I feel like "VD" is like something from the 40s, everyone says "STD" or "STI" now, so I wouldn't worry all that much about the association. Bea is too short, I'd go with Beatrix "Bea". Flora is really cute.Why not use Verity in the middle? Sybil Verity, Twyla Verity, and Flora Verity are all nice.
I know the initials are old fashioned but we didn't realize until Lark was around 18 months old that her initials were LSD which my beloved but stinky older brother pointed out and continues to point out to tease me occasionally. While Lark is a little over 3 1/2 and it doesn't bother my husband at all it has made me a little gun shy so to speak. I do like the idea of using it as a middle name.

This message was edited 1/25/2025, 8:07 AM