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Re: A need a name for a character
Nadia, Zlata, Luba, Larissa, Tetiana, Katia, Tamila, Zhanna, Natalia

This message was edited 1/17/2025, 1:24 PM


We don't use the Larissa spelling here. We used Larysa. Katya is a Russian diminutive. That being said we do use it in Ukraine. But it's a diminutive. Zlata isn't actually very popular among Ukrainian people, it's mostly used by the Russians here. The character isn't part of the Russian minority. I prefer Lyubov or Lyubova over Lyuba. Though Lyubov is another name more popular with Russian people. I've genuinely never met a Tamila in person. I don't doubt it's a real name, but I've only seen Tamilas online. I associate Zhanna with middle aged women. My mother's name was Zhanna. I could consider Nataliya, Nadiya, Tetyana.