Re: Monthly Alphabet Soup List
in reply to a message by Wordsmith
From your girl's list, I love Agatha, Beatrice, Clarisse, Dorothea, Eudora, Felicity, Ginevra, Hildegarde, Melpomene, Rosetta, Sibylla, Tacita, Una, Violetta, Xenia, Yseult, and Zuleika (This one really stood out to me...I have a new favorite now- thank you!)! Out of your boy's list, I love Anselm, Bernard, Clement, Dragomir, Gilbert, Igor, Jerome, Konrad, Laurence, Myron, Oswald, Pascal, Quentin, Rupert, Svetoslav, Tassilo, Ulrich, Vsevolod, Xerxes, and Zimri!