Use it as a middle name
in reply to a message by Ciarda
I think it would be great to have such an uncommon family name as a mn.
But would it not sound too "feminine" as a fn? I have gathered that anything "feminine" is very bad for a boy in Anglo-Saxon culture.
I am sure that we all have both feminine and masculine sides, no need to be overly feminine if you're a girl or overly masculine if you're a boy. And "feminine" is just as good and strong as "masculine". But it seems people and certainly not children don't think so outside my world.
"But it’s all right now.
I learned my lesson well.
You see you can’t please everyone
So you got to please yourself."
Rick Nelson, GardenParty
"It does not become me to make myself smaller than I am." (Edith Södergran 1891-1923)
But would it not sound too "feminine" as a fn? I have gathered that anything "feminine" is very bad for a boy in Anglo-Saxon culture.
I am sure that we all have both feminine and masculine sides, no need to be overly feminine if you're a girl or overly masculine if you're a boy. And "feminine" is just as good and strong as "masculine". But it seems people and certainly not children don't think so outside my world.
"But it’s all right now.
I learned my lesson well.
You see you can’t please everyone
So you got to please yourself."
Rick Nelson, GardenParty
"It does not become me to make myself smaller than I am." (Edith Södergran 1891-1923)