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Old English Sheepdog
I saw an Old English Sheepdog the other day and I remembered how it was my favourite dog as a little girl, but I never thought of a name.
How would you name an Old English Sheepdog? m&f
formerly Belphoebe⭐️I am in the mood
to dissolve
in the sky.
- Virginia Woolf


Cecil or Hilda!
These dogs are too cute! For a boy…
Augustine “Augie / Gus
Bonaventure “Bonny”
WilloughbyWillFor a girl…
PrudencePrue” (love this one lol)
Oh I think Bonaventure “Bonny” is my favourite so far! I’ll also add Prue to the list
I like Percy but on a female dog. I love Bert and Othello too
Something gentle and patient and steady.Benjamin, Bentley, George, Griffin, Murphy, Simon, Nigel, Roddy, Alfred, Harry (probably not really, but it'd be kind of funny)Nora, Lucy, Peggy, Molly, Clover, Rosie, Alice, SusieETA: Or after something fluffy, like Dandelion

This message was edited yesterday, 2:02 PM

Okay, I love Nigel for this dog! It fits perfectly.
Funny, I always mispronounce and mishear Harry as hairy! George fits perfectly and I like Nigel
Male: Rufus, Rupert, Boswell (Bosie), Jasper, Alfred (Alfie), Peregrine (Perry), Montague (Monty), Basil, Humphrey, Cornelius, Oswin (Ozzy), Marmaduke (Duke), Roland (Rollo), Albert (Bertie), Tully, Teddy, Digby, Ripley, Elwood, Ollie, Barnaby, Milo, Winston, Toby, Dexter, Reggie, Clarence, Ivor, Crispin, Archie, Cecil, Gulliver (Gully), Huxley, Byron, PoeFemale: Agatha (Aggie), Harriet (Hattie), Polly, Fable, Daisy, Piper, Clementine (Minty), Nell, Flossie, Clover, Sadie, Daphne, Holly, Penny, Willow, Cleo, Pepper, Matilda (Tilly), Bonnie, Pippa, Millicent (Millie), Winifred (Winnie), Mabel, Orla, Cassie, Poppy, Bronte
Poor thing, he has too much hair over his eyes to see!Arlo
Rupert Lola
Frank. Short for Frank Mills. More Hair than this, you don't get.
I must have seen it somewhere, but whenever I see a dog like this, the name "Farley" immediately comes to mind.For a girl dog, I think something sweet and homey would be nice - Ebba, maybe?
For Better or For Worse?
Oh wow, I had completely forgotten about that comic! Yes, that's where the association comes from! Haha, thank you
They're cute! Harvey just feels right, and I think Vicky would suit a girl. That's what I'd probably name one.
The first name that comes to my name is Barnabas. Barney, for short!
I kind of like Arthur, too.