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Chat GPT List: Unusual Saint Name Edition
Though I am and have never been catholic, my mom's side of the family is richly involved in Catholicism in our history. As a result, I've been a bit intrigued off and on concerning unusual Catholic Saint names over the years as it follows the more eccentric side of my name taste. I asked Chat GPT to give me a list of 100 unusual catholic saint names never heard of anymore that are fanciful and flowy. Let's see how well it follows the prompt. Let me know what you think and which you like.
**Male Saints:**
1. Saint Aurelianus
2. Saint Belvidere
3. Saint Cadmion
4. Saint Daedalus
5. Saint Elionis
6. Saint Faelorian
7. Saint Galenor
8. Saint Halcyon
9. Saint Icarion
10. Saint Jorvian
11. Saint Kaelus
12. Saint Luminus
13. Saint Marcellon
14. Saint Naelus
15. Saint Oberion
16. Saint Pelagius
17. Saint Quillon
18. Saint Roderon
19. Saint Selarius
20. Saint Thalios
21. Saint Ulyssian
22. Saint Veridion
23. Saint Wystan
24. Saint Xanderis
25. Saint Ymirion
26. Saint Zorion
27. Saint Alarion
28. Saint Bravian
29. Saint Calvius
30. Saint Decurion
31. Saint Erosius
32. Saint Falricus
33. Saint Garenis
34. Saint Halion
35. Saint Idrion
36. Saint Jovanis
37. Saint Krios
38. Saint Lysander
39. Saint Melorian
40. Saint Nereon
41. Saint Otharion
42. Saint Pyrion
43. Saint Quorix
44. Saint Radion
45. Saint Sylvian
46. Saint Thorian
47. Saint Ulysses
48. Saint Valius
49. Saint Zephyrus
50. Saint Aurelion**Female Saints:**
1. Saint Ameliora
2. Saint Bellatrix
3. Saint Caelina
4. Saint Damaris
5. Saint Elowen
6. Saint Fiora
7. Saint Galadriel
8. Saint Heliora
9. Saint Isadora
10. Saint Jovana
11. Saint Kallista
12. Saint Lysandra
13. Saint Melisande
14. Saint Nivara
15. Saint Orinthia
16. Saint Phaedra
17. Saint Quenessa
18. Saint Rosalina
19. Saint Seraphina
20. Saint Thalira
21. Saint Ulyssa
22. Saint Vespera
23. Saint Winona
24. Saint Xantheia
25. Saint Ysabella
26. Saint Zephyra
27. Saint Aleria
28. Saint Briseis
29. Saint Celestia
30. Saint Daelia
31. Saint Elara
32. Saint Florina
33. Saint Ginevra
34. Saint Helene
35. Saint Iliana
36. Saint Jara
37. Saint Kiora
38. Saint Liora
39. Saint Meliora
40. Saint Neoma
41. Saint Orlaith
42. Saint Phyllis
43. Saint Quinella
44. Saint Rhiannon
45. Saint Selene
46. Saint Thais
47. Saint Valeria
48. Saint Verena
49. Saint Wrenna
50. Saint ZinniaPlease rate my "Names I would Use" list & "Backup Favorites" list. Feel free to rate some of my other lists too if you have the time.

This message was edited 7/27/2024, 8:58 PM


Hey guys, I know this list is a bit Inaccurate so I wanted to make sure I leave a link to an actual Catholic saint database that I've previously used in case anyone was interested? I've found some fun finds over the years

This message was edited 7/28/2024, 10:59 PM

It seems like it took you literally when you said fanciful.
I wonder if it made any up all by itself.Marcellon: Is this like a French name? Marcell-aw(n)? Or is it Mar-CEL-lon or Mar-CHEL-lon? I wonder. I don't think I've seen it. Maybe not real
Tangent, I just answered a poll that mentioned a rare name Marchello. It made me remember that in Italian the C in Marcella is CH... I like it better with a CH sound! But, Marcellon does remind me more of a French form.Roderon is interesting, heh. It's like the endings are just replaced with on?
Sylvian is kinda cool.The gal names kinda bore me. I wish they were as creative seeming as the guy names.

This message was edited 7/28/2024, 10:53 AM

Right, yeah it did just straight up completely make up a few names which I'm honestly intrigued by. Saint Valius for instance. At least it's a fun lineup even if it's not real, LOL. Back to "catholic online A to Z" perusing for me.
are all these actual saints?Because I'm pretty sure some of them aren't. Galadriel, for instance.
Of course not.

This message was edited 7/28/2024, 10:54 AM

No, they are not. ChatGPT isn't a search engine, it's a word scrambler. This is just a nonsense list of names that it thinks sounds like obscure saint names. There could be some actual saints in there but it's mostly made up.
Correct, several of them are indeed saint names but few of them are complete Fabrications of the software: Saint Valius for instance.

This message was edited 7/28/2024, 1:36 PM

Most of the masculine names look straight out of Game of Thrones, lol. As for the feminine names, the majority look real, but they're still highly whimsical. Perhaps we'll have saints named Zephyrus, Galadriel and Wrenna in the future.Names that look plausible: Aurelianus, Belvidere, Icarion, Marcellon, Oberion, Pelagius, Wystan, Bravian, Calvius, Halion, Lysander, Nereon, Sylvian, Ulysses, Valius, Aurelion, Ameliora, Caelina, Damaris, Fiora, Isadora, Jovana, Lysandra, Nivara, Orinthia, Phaedra, Rosalina, Aleria, Briseis, Elara, Florina, Ginevra, Helene, Iliana, Meliora, Neoma, Orlaith, Phyllis, Rhiannon.And Seraphina, Thais, Valeria and Verena were borne by actual saints.

This message was edited 7/28/2024, 4:42 AM

Lol! Even if it's inaccurate at least it's a kind of a fun lineup 😂🤷‍♀️
It's certainly fun!
Imagine if this list was accurate, and there was a Saint Galadriel!
Lol tbf I would pray to Saint Galadriel 🙏🏼 🤣 😂 😅
But what about a Saint Daenerys ;)?

This message was edited 7/29/2024, 3:26 AM

Do you mean you asked for real saints' names? Because there are no saints with many of these names.
I tried, but the AI is flawed and sometimes requires several attempts to get accurate lists of anything.
Wystan and Winona will keep me happy for hours!
Blessed be St. Winona 😆🤣🙏🏼😂
I agree with your choices, will add my own later :)