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Babynames of week 24/2024
These are Names another German name website found in Birth Announcements from Germany
Feel free to vote :) and/or tell me what you think of them
* these ones I like/love
Source: GIRLS:
Clara Adeline
Eden Keren
Edana *
Clara LilianLilian *
Vera ValentinaValentina *
Ecrin Lina
Freda Christine
Theresa AnnikaAnnika *
Merle FlorentineMerle *
Sophie Elise*
Hera *
Hannah Isabel *
Alva MargareteAlva *
Freya Merida *
Leonore AuroraBOYS:
Bjarne Tyr Levin
Ludwig DetlefLudwig *
Cem Erkan
MircoMirko *
Leonard Jürgen
Alvaro Nicolino Marcello
Franz Richard
Nelio Cody
Feit – Veit *


From the girls, I love Annika, Merida (She's also been my favorite Disney princess, ever since Brave first came out. Love to see that someone was brave [haha, pun intended] enough to name their daughter Merida!), Hannah, Clara, Lina, Elise, Freya, Joyce, Sophie, and Yuliya. From the boys, I love Richard, Leonard, Levin, Cody, and Pranav.
I like Edana, Clara Lillian, Viola, Olga, Vera Valentina, Freda Christine (I'd prefer Freda Christiane), Merle Florentine, Hera, Ludwig Detlef, and Mirco.
My faves are Clara, Eden, and Isabel.