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Miss Peregrine’s home for peculiar children
Mis Peregrine’s home for peculiar children is a series of books, also adapted into a film. The characters include members of a children’s home born across many decades, though primarily in the early 1900s. Here are their names, what do you think? I included surnames because I thought they had pretty cool surnames, though you don’t have to comment on them if they don’t interest you:
Jacob Portman
Emma Bloom
Horace Somnusson
Bronwyn Bruntley
Victor Bruntley
Enoch O’Connor
Olive Abroholos Elephanta
Hugh Apiston
Claire Densmore
Fiona Frauenfeld
Millard Nullings
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I like...Jacob
Fiona- my favorite
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Jacob-Like it a lot
Emma-Sweet, simple, love it!
Horace-Sounds a little too old
Bronwyn-Strange, but I can see the appeal
Olive-Sweet nickname for Olivia
Hugh-Not a huge fan
Claire-Like it a lot
Fiona-Very pretty
Millard-Prefer Mildred
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This is a lovely list of names! My favorites are Jacob, Emma, Bronwyn, Olive, Claire, and Fiona.
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I like Bronwen (not Bronwyn), Victor, Hugh, Clare (not Claire) and Fiona.Olive's other two names are absurd. Fiona seems odd next to Frauenfeld. Nullings is depressing.
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Love: FionaLike: BronwynNeutral: Victor, Olive, Claire, Millard
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Claire, Jacob, Victor and Hugh are my favourite names. Fiona and Emma are ok. Is Bronwyn a male or female? It's the Welsh male spelling but a lot of females in North America are being named with the male "wyn" instead of the female "wen" which ticks me off.
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Bronwyn was a girl!
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