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WDYT of Piper?

This message was edited 6/15/2024, 2:36 PM


There is a modest handful of -er suffixed names I like and genuinely enjoy, but Piper isn't one of them. The imagery is just plumbing and sewage lines. It isn't pretty, it isn't cute, it isn't strong. Just spikey and covered in slim and rust.
I don't like it. I find it cutesy and insubstantial. It's one of those names that sounds more like a stage-name than anything. It may have worked for the character of Piper Halliwell and maybe for a dog or cat, but that's about it.
The name itself makes me think of pipes, pied Piper and diapers.
First heard it on Charmed, loved it ever since :)
I love Piper. Really cute name.
I'm sorry, but Piper has never been a favorite of mine; I don't know why that I've never liked it.
I like it! I think it's cute and full of life. It doesn't seem too trendy or preppy to me. I associate it with Piper McLean from Heroes of Olympus.
I think it’s cute but I can’t imagine it on an adult. I think of it as a name for little girl who is very active and somewhat tomboyish. I’d use it for a book character but probably not for a child.
Not a fan, it’s so stereotypically preppy. Mostly reminds me of the protagonist of Orange is the New Black.
I love Piper for either gender. I have a personal connection to the (meaning of the) name as well, which is a big part of why I like it so much.
It’s pretty obnoxious but better than most trendy “-er” names.
I guess I'm the minority, but I don't hate it. LOL It is growing on me.
I'm also not a fan.
I hate it. The only person who pulls it off is the character on Charmed.
Don't like it
On a person it just sounds ridiculous and painfully whimsical, like a little elf or fairy as a mascot for toilet paper or something. Piper Papre or some such.My mother and stepfather did have a cute little dog called Penny Piper. They didn't plan to call her that, but it just stuck; her mother was Penny and her father was Pied Piper.
Pied Piper is the first thing I think of!