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I love the names Severin and Severus, but I'm aware that they come across as too, well, severe.
But what about just Sev? Is it more palatable? Does it work as a full name?~☆June Song Recommendation☆~
TAEMIN - Guilty:


Sev's way too insubstantial on its own. Severin "Sev" is really cool!
I think its fine as a full name, though I would prefer Zev
Zev is cool!
Sev sounds like a nickname for Sevyn to me. I don’t think it works as a full name. I think Severin is a cool name, though!
Hey guys, Ben here again.
I think Sev as a full name is irregular. I'd recommend pairing it with a last name, such as your own.
Stay Fruitful !!
Sorry, I meant a full first name, as opposed to only a nickname.
I don't know if it would work in my province. "Sev" is how people refer to 7-Eleven, a sketchy chain of convenience stores that rule the land. Severus is also way too connected to HP to be able to work on a real person anymore, imo. Sev is a cute sound for a name though.
I like Severin with the nickname Sev.
Don't like it at all