(b) kris-tee-AHN-uh
I know a girl named Kristianna and she pronounces it that way... I really love the name but prefer the K spelling I mentioned above!
I know a girl named Kristianna and she pronounces it that way... I really love the name but prefer the K spelling I mentioned above!
never thought of a) before, but it is terrible, urgh!
never thought of a) before, but it is terrible, urgh! Christina with an added 'a'.
- kris-tee-AHN-uh
I've always pronounced it kris-tee-AHN-uh.
I say kris-chee-ann-uh, but I can't figure out where exactly my stresses are. It's almost just like Christianity.
I'd like to say I pronounce it like (b), but before I thought about it, I imagined it pronounced like (a).
So - automatically (a) in my accent, but would happily say (b) if instructed.
- chazda
So - automatically (a) in my accent, but would happily say (b) if instructed.
- chazda