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What names do you feel are “overly” hated?
I feel some modern names seem to be overly hated.

This message was edited 5/8/2024, 9:50 PM


Lola - definitely the most hated name here.Margarita
Definitely. I’ve never understood all the hate for the names Olga, Darya, and Lola.

This message was edited 5/11/2024, 4:23 AM

Overly hated names...Any name with -ayden. I don't hate names just because they got old. If I think they're boring, I just won't use them. Also, people seem to think that they are "teen mom" names. I'm not going to explain why that's sexist because that's not what was asked. I like Hayden, Jaiden and Aiden. Not big on Grayden, Zayden or Braden but I don't hate them.People hate creative spellings. Even if I don't like them, I'm grateful for variety. If a million kids are going to be named Jackson, why not spell it a million different ways so you can tell them apart on paper? In the West, surnames do not have the kind of emphasis that they do in the East. Meaning, no one cares if you're Brittany Lane or Brittaney Schoenbrun. To others, you are simply Brittany. I don't like Jacksyn, Jaxxon or Jakson, but the parents do. Hopefully the kids will like them as well, seeing as they have to live with them. Their opinions matters more than all of ours. Jaxon is a guilty pleasure of mine. I have memories connected to it and names with one X are cool IMO: Max, Xenia, Xavier, Xavia, Dexter, Dax, Rex, etc.

This message was edited 5/9/2024, 3:13 PM

names spelled uniquely and unique variations!As a Gabi (vs Gabby) and Gabrielle (vs Gabriela) I've always felt like my name was somewhat well known yet unique at the same time. Spelling my name like Gabby would completely change how I felt about my name. It was rare that I met a Gabi so I enjoyed having one unique aspect to my name and I think spelling in and of itself is part of the beauty of a name.Leighton
Immanuelidk if people hate on these in particular but I know people get annoyed at creative spellings sometimes

This message was edited 5/9/2024, 9:23 AM

Miya and Aimee are the best spellings of those names!
Any name that works perfectly fine in real life, but just aren't BtN favorites. I can't stand it when people act like slightly trendy names are "OMG, SO HORRIBLE!!" when the average person wouldn't think twice about them.Also, a lot of celebrity baby names. Y'all are boring as FUCK when you bitch about Apple or Audio, endlessly. Or Bear. Or Blue, or whatever. Those kids are in college, now, get over it.
righttt sometimes I feel like I'm the only one on this site that loves those kind of word names. People forget that a lot of the top names were once rare and only used by a celebrity.
Ethel, Marcella, Frankie (f), Guinevere, Arabella, Effie, Dora, Blanche.

This message was edited 5/9/2024, 7:20 AM

Some of those I dislike - perhaps even strongly, but I like Marcella, Arabella and Dora. I admit to my bias against vintage names. ><
People dislike Marcella? That’s a beautiful name!
Well, it's hard to say. A lot of trendy names are hated with incredible passion on the board, but that is not indicative of "real life". Obviously those names are pretty well loved elsewhere because they are trendy for a reason. I agree with Wordsmith that a lot of the names that most people think are the bad kind of old fashioned are hated too easily. It also bothers me when people talk about it as though its just logical to hate them, and they don't understand how anybody can find the sounds attractive. Like, really? Look at all the different kinds of music people listen to. Humans love hearing bizarre sounds. And you can't wrap your head around some people liking the name Mildred? People freaking out over "boy names on girls" or "stealing names from boys" is over done. Like James on a girl is not my favourite but it's hardly the worst thing in the world.
so well said. I don't believe in any 'bad' name. It's someone's identity at the end of the day and the only opinion that matters is the one who has the name. Some names I've found absolutely revolting but later became one of my favorites. Names are completely subjective and I try to always stay open minded.With that said, I should take my own advice sometimes because I am the worst when it comes to popular names. If its in the top 200 that's enough to make me dislike it.. I'm working on it
Gertrude, Bertha, Irma, Myrtle. Respect your elders!
All four of those names have a stressed "errr" syllable, with probably contributes to my dislike of them.
Ohhhh, that explains a lot!
I don’t feel like disliking a name indicates a lack of respect for the person.
LOL, sigh
It's a joke.
ScarlettI don’t like the Nevaeh spelling, but it sounds good. Madison isn’t favorite, but I don’t think it deserves the hate it gets. I love Scarlett but I totally understand the hate.
At one point everyone was hating on Chloe which is odd here since it has a history and an etymology.I don’t like Madison but it’s not quite as atrocious as it’s made out to be.
Basically any name that people dog on for "sounding too surnamey". I understand how some first names could sound more like a last name, but I don't get how that's necessarily a bad thing.
I love surnames as first names... I feel so alone in here XD. The slander won't stop.
Same here! Webster and Fletcher are two of my favorite names right now, both of which sound quite "surnamey".
Boy names:Aidan, Jaxon, Jaiden, Kayden, PaxtonI really don’t get why the -aiden trend is so bad. The spellings are a bit over the top, but the sound of the names really isn’t that bad. I also think the trend of adding “X” to boy names is really cool.Girl names:Alicia, Aurora, Celeste, Mikayla, ScarletI think these names are gorgeous, but I feel like I see a lot of users hate on them. I guess I can see why for Mikayla as it fits multiple trends, but it’s still beautiful, in my opinion. The others don’t particularly fit any trends that I can think of, but I don’t think hating on a name simply because it’s trendy is valid anyway. Trendy names can be beautiful.
I agree with every point you made and like every name you listed.
I do like Scarlet. I always spell Scarlett because I know a Scarlet that I don’t like and a Scarlett who is amazing. It’s an association for me. However, I do think Scarlet might look better.