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Some noun names for girls
What do you think of:Ivy
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I like Ivy, October and Sky. Temperance and Primrose sound too strict and stuck-up.
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Ivy -- beautiful.
October -- sweet, a good unisex alternative to Autumn (which I also like).
Primrose -- a little tacky.
Sky -- pretty.
Temperance -- pretty nice.
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Ivy - pretty.
October - cool sound, but I agree with people who say it might be better on a boy.
Primrose - absolutely beautiful! I realized primrose might be my favorite flower after discovering this name.
Sky - Skylar is better.
Temperance - awful.
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Ivy is cutish.
October is a really horible idea.
Primrose is cutish.
Sky is boring.
Temperance is okay, like the nn Tempe (tem-pee)
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Ivy - really beautiful: can either be really sweet or like poison
October - not too over-the-top. i like it but prefer different month names
Primrose - i really like this name, way more than the tacky rose. just the way it sounds
Sky - beautiful name but should be given only to those who deserve such a name
Temperance - i guess it's alright but i'm jewish, so super-christian names like these probably wouldn't be the best imo
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I like Ivy and Primrose best. Sky is cute but overused. Temperance is interesting but should be a middle name IMO. October is cool, I haven't thought of it much as a name but I think it seems more like middle name material for a boy.
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Ivy - I have always loved this name. I even knew a girl called Ivy in elementary school who was a total brat but it couldn’t tarnish the prettiness of this name. Very underrated imo.October - This will never not remind me of how Russian parents named their girls “Oktoberina” to commemorate the October revolution. The trend now just looks very tacky. Same could be said for this name. Doesn’t even sound feminine.Primrose - I love this name. It’s so fairytale. Would love to meet a Primrose.Sky - I know this name gets a lot of love but I don’t like it. It seems like a name that a pseudo-environmentalist would name their child. Plus it’s boring.Temperance - I’m just not into puritan names. Wish I liked it but I don’t.
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Ivy - DislikesOctober - AlrightPrimrose - I like itSky - A favorite if spelled SkyeTemperance - A favorite, meaning I love it
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Ivy- pretty, always love flower names
October- kinda weird, the bearer could either not suit it at all or manage to pull it off okay. i do think it would be best on a boy because it could have the nickname Toby, but a name like that doesn't strike me as having a gender
Primrose- I love it, so prim and proper, but also natural and sweet
Sky- I've never liked the sound or any spelling variations
Temperance- Just makes me think of religious fanatics from 400 years ago, and I don't really like the sound itself; it sounds stiff and just like a word, not a name to me. I don't see any good nicknames for it either.
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I love Ivy so much! I think it's a bit short (and might work better as a middle name?) but I don't mind. Its strengths outweigh its weaknesses.
October is also very sweet! I think it's traditionally feminine but I like the idea of it better on a guy. Definitely not a bad girls name though. I will say that I think it only makes sense to name somebody this if they were born in October. Imagine being named October and being born in like, July lol.
Primrose is a name I also love a lot. I'm a huge fan of the Hunger Games and Prim is one of my favorite characters. I also think it just generally works incredibly well, it's incredibly unique as a flower name.
Sky is where my feelings start to dip. I feel very neutral about it. I generally prefer it as a nickname for Skylar. If it's a standalone name I might prefer Skye.
Temperance doesn't even feel like a name. I'm generally not fond of virtue names (Except maybe Ernest) and Temperance is no exception. It's more interesting than other names in the same category but not by much. It also just sounds quite ugly if I'm honest.
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Ivy - such an annoying plant; I prefer Iris
October - no! May, if necessary.
Primrose - dislike Primrose and especially Prim. Nice flower, though.
Sky - silly on either m or f; Skye is actually better.
Temperance - too risky. Clemency, or even Tempest, would be preferable.
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I love Primrose and like Ivy.
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I like Primrose, Ivy and Temperance, and Sky is a little worse, but okay. Month names are good, but not October.
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I like Primrose
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I love Ivy. Primrose is nice enough, and Sky is ok but I prefer Skye.October and Temperance are only good on characters.

This message was edited 3/20/2024, 1:39 AM

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